I write about green living, so what does exercising have to do with that? Hear me out – when we think about detoxifying our life we look at the products that we use, the foods that we eat, the impacts we create… But being green is not just about recycling and turning off the lights. It’s a lifestyle in which you are involved and present – making conscious decisions about the kind of life that you want to create.
If you feel tired in the mornings, have a lack of motivation and difficulty concentrating – you may need to include more exercise in your life. Quite simply, this world needs you at your best!
There was an interesting study from Penn State University which found that people who were more physically active reported greater feelings of excitement and enthusiasm, compared with people less physically active. Not only that but it makes us more productive with increased energy and mental clarity. There are a lot of studies which show the benefits of exercise, but when it comes down to it for me – I know that when I feel good, I do good!
But, it’s not always easy – we’re all busy mamas and going to the gym can cost a bomb! Well, I’ve got you covered. Here is a list of five free online workout channels that you can play and practice anytime you like, in the convenience of your own home! No sign-up fees, no traveling, no excuses!
My Top 5 Favorite Free Online Workout Channels
1. DoYogaWithMe
Their videos are like having your own personal yoga instructor! I love that there are tons of classes to choose from, from 10 minutes to 80 minutes long, taught by different instructors in different settings. I really like the series by instructor Kim Wilson – she teaches pilates, yoga and core strengthening. Ok, I’ll admit – I really like her Bodacious Bootie class! See all of DoYogaWithMe videos here.
2. Cafe Mom Studios Workout
You don’t need to be a mother to enjoy them – if you are busy like a mother, then you’ll appreciate these quick under 30 minute workouts. They get straight to the point, which I love. See the whole collection here.
3. Tara Stiles
These are bite size, 10 minutes vidoes – great if you are really busy in your day. We can all wake up 10 minutes earlier, right? She does a Yoga Solution series, a Core Power series and a Weight Loss series. She even has a 5 minute routine to relieve stress! See more Tara Stiles here.
4. BeFit
This collection of workout videos are made by celebrity trainers. They have everything from core training, cardio, yoga and even fun dance work-out classes. I like their yoga collection and trainer Jillian Michaels has a really popular workout called 30 day Shred. See more BeFit videos here.
5. Blogilates
A huge collection of 10-20 minute workout videos designed for at home. Cassie is the trainer, I would describe her as ‘bubbly’. She might not be for everyone, but her energy makes me smile! See all of Cassie’s videos here.
I want a life full of positive experiences and great fulfilment. I want to create awesome work, play with my kids, spend quality time with my husband, cook beautiful meals, contribute and be part of something meaningful. Makes me tired just thinking about it! That’s why I’m choosing to make exercise more of a priority!
Join me!
I’m scheduling in one 30 minute workout video every Monday, Wed and Friday. I’d love to say everyday, but it’s all about baby steps right! We’ll get there! Which video will you try? After you’ve done one, let us know in the comments what you think so that we can all give it a go!
Militza Maury is the multi-tasking mama behind Little Green Dot, where she offers simple and fun ways bring green living back into our modern, busy lives. Militza comes from a background in creative design, and is a big believer in embracing a handmade life. She teaches simple recipes, tips and ideas to make it easier for us to reconnect, and make better, healthier choices.