Have you joined the trend and tried F45 Training yet, mama? After six months, fitness nut George tells us why she’s hooked!
Ok – So I’ll be honest – I did slightly roll my eyes when I heard there was yet another new trend in the Singapore gym world – coming to transform fitness as we know it. Surely we had it all already!
Fast forward 6 months and I am a bit of an addict. Predictable or what? But actually it wasn’t love overnight – F45 Training, unlike its name, was a slow burner for me.
Happily working my way through Guavapass I didn’t even think I had time for another class. But always one to jump on the bandwagon – I started with the fab 2 week free trial they offer – it felt so odd being in a fairly small space for only 45 minutes, with TV screens to guide the way as well as the instructor. But the next day I could really feel the effect! So I dove in deeper to try out the full variety of classes.
Started in Australia, F45 merges three training styles into one: HIIT (High Intensity training), circuit training and functional training. This combination of cardiovascular, interval and strength training has been proven to be the most effective workout method for burning fat and building lean muscle.
There are now 27 different 45-minute workout experiences to chose from. All that combined with fab ambiance, great music and friendly instructors, makes for a fab experience. You do not have time to look at the clock – before you know it, 45 minutes is over. Over!
My personal fave location is Bukit Timah — easy parking and right next to the MRT. Classes run throughout the day – so there is a always a time to suit! No excuses, mama!
Top classes for me are Romans (Resistance meets Functional) and Hollywood (27 stations that will put your strength, core stability and cardiovascular endurance under the brightest of spotlights).
So now I’m hooked – and if I can do it, anyone can!
Email Jayne at [email protected] for your free trial, mama!
F45 Training Bukit Timah, 05-02 Sime Darby Centre, 896 Dunearn Road, Singapore 589472, Tel: (+65) 8323 5253, www.f45training.sg/bukittimah