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Christmas Crafts with SweetP: Make Your Own Paper Christmas Wreath

PlayPost Category - PlayPlay - Post Category - Arts & CraftsArts & CraftsChristmasPost Category - ChristmasChristmas

Love Christmas crafts? This fun and easy festive paper wreath sheds way fewer pine needles than the real thing!

To me, Christmas trees and wreaths are absolute must-haves, so this year I decided to make a paper Christmas wreath to hang on the door. This paper wreath tutorial can be used for many different occasions. Simply change the theme and colour of the paper used for a totally different vibe. I hope you find this tutorial useful, and happy holidays, mamas! xx SweetP

What you’ll need:

  • 4 sheets of Christmassy paper
  • 10 inch Styrofoam ring
  • Scissors
  • Push pins
  • Silver ribbon
  • Red ribbon
  • Knife or ruler



  1. Prepare a few designs of Christmas paper.
  2. Cut the paper into strips. I stripped mine into 13 inch long by ½ inch wide pieces.
  3. Curl the strips of paper with a knife or ruler.
  4. Wrap your silver ribbon around your Styrofoam ring.
  5. Pin your curled paper around the entire Styrofoam ring, leaving a small strip for the ribbon. Try to space out the different coloured papers evenly.
  6. Tie a ribbon around the Styrofoam and pin the papers to complete the wreath.



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