Team Sassy Mama shares our New Year’s resolutions
As we say ‘hello’ to another year, we also take the time to think about how this next twelve months will be different from the last. We think about those things we’d like to do differently; things we’d like to improve, do without, do more of… It’s time for New Year’s resolutions, y’all! We asked some of our Sassy Mamas about their resolutions, and this is what they had to say…
In 2016 I want to plan ahead more. In the few instances where I have been a master planner in 2015 I have found that it has decreased my stress level so much so I really do think there is a science to this whole thing. So for 2016, I will be bulk buying new baby gifts, kids birthday gifts and stocking up on birthday cards to have in the house so I am not running around at the last minute. I may also get a bit crazy and even wrap them ahead of time — but I won’t get too ahead of myself on that one! Yes, the gifts may lose a personal touch in being hand selected for the recipient but you know the old saying… It’s the thought that counts (right?!). – Maura
Nothing too crazy – simply more exercise, more off the beaten path travels, more reading and above all less worrying! – Emilie
This year I’m hoping to become less addicted to my mobile phone, and screens in general. I’ve resolved to keep my phone stashed away during all meals, so that I might be more present in conversation, or even just enjoy my food more fully. – Kate
I love the start of a new year. Love the idea of new beginnings and setting personal challenges. And I always come busting out on January 1, right off the heels of Auld Lang Syne with my cup raised in the air declaring a big resolution, which I swear I’m going to keep. And I do! Until a few months in and I’m like, “resolutions are really hard, man” (as I kick back that glass of wine which I’d resolved to only drink on weekends). Life gets moving and busy, and as mom life gets intense, I cave. So this year, I’m going to keep it simple with a few, smaller, more realistic resolutions. I’m going to (try) to eat less Doritos, not fall asleep in front of my computer at night, get my kids to eat more veggies (hahaha), and shave my legs more than once a month! Happy New Year, everyone!
My New Year’s resolution is actually not to make specific resolutions – I’ve instead gone super Type-A and listed my general and specific goals and the first step is to take action in different areas of life: relationships, health + wellness, travel, career etc. I made my husband do the same! – Hester
My mama new years resolution for 2016 is to have more structure to my week. My little man is starting nursery this month so I want to ensure we still get lots of Mommy and Me time. I plan to achieve this by outlining our weekly family calendar each Sunday before the week begins. I have already swooped up these super cute Weekly Desk Planners from Rifle Paper Co to keep my planning pretty! – Kristin