Want to improve your fitness and nutrition in 2016? One Sassy Mama reviews the new ‘Mummylicious’ app that gives you personalised fitness training, nutrition tips … and results in 60 days!
Happy New Year mama! First things first: if you’re thinking this is going to be yet another article preaching fresh start diets, debilitating exercise and depriving yourself of treats and temptations, don’t worry. It’s not.
If you’re juggling work, kids, holidays and perhaps looking after visitors, how do you make the time to go the gym every day and get a workout? Easy. You don’t!
Welcome to Mummylicious, a fitness app developed by Christine Amour-Levar, author of the book of the same name. A mum of four (who still has an unbelievable post-kids figure might I add), Christine understands how important it is to have a healthy body, yet how difficult it is to carve out time to do that on a daily basis.
Think of Mummylicious as a personal trainer who comes to you, rather than you having to step out. And when you’re juggling multiple balls, it’s such a boon to know that you can fit in something so vital at any hour of the day that suits you. Simply download the app to your phone (or sign up at the website) and you’re on your way to creating a healthier version of you in just 60 days. This mobile fitness app has been launched in partnership with ‘Fulfilled‘ fitness gurus and coaches in Singapore, and uses content and insights from Christine’s book, The Smart Girl’s Handbook to Being Mummylicous.
What’s in it for you? The app aims to help mums get into shape, become healthier and of course more Mummylicious! All you have to do is commit to setting aside ‘me’ time every day to do your exercises. And the best part is, once you sign up, you can participate from anywhere in the world.
I have to admit, when I started out 40 days ago, I was rather sceptical about how things would turn out – I mean, it really did sound too good to be true. You’re getting instructions sitting at home, you get to ‘talk’ to your coach on a daily basis, she’s giving you healthy eating ideas and recipes, and what’s more, you’re getting video demonstrations of the exercises you need to be doing each day. Really, there’s no catch. It really is that simple!
It’s certainly not a quick fix solution, though. Rather, it’s one that lets you take things at your own pace, gradually boosting metabolism and toning, so that your body eventually has no option but to slowly start shedding the kilos. When you start the program, there’s an orientation video waiting for you so let you know what to expect and how the program works. After that, you get a daily tutorial (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc.) about what you need to achieve that day, scheduled with regular ‘check-in pit stops’ where you weigh and measure yourself, to see and track your own progress. Plus, you can choose to either share your details with the whole Mummylicious community (i.e. other participants), or you can just share it privately with the coaches.
I especially like how non-invasive the program feels, with daily alerts quietly registering to your phone, encouraging you to do the exercises and the healthy eating for the day. For example, this morning’s alert was about eating a high fibre breakfast, and some of the options suggested included raisin bran cereal with low-fat milk and berries; hot oatmeal with milk and fruit, soft boiled egg and whole-wheat toast; or just a wild berry smoothie.
My point is, the options are easy, achievable targets, which you may be doing on a daily basis anyway, so with just a little commitment on your part, there is really no reason that you can’t stick to the program.
On the exercise front, today’s workout was to rest — it doesn’t get better than that! But resting doesn’t mean that you don’t do anything and give in to binge eating. Rather, it means light activities like going for a long walk, so that your metabolism doesn’t suffer. The day before this, the workout was ‘to go beyond your limits’ and included a 5km jog/run, 30x jumping jacks, 20x squats and a 45second arm-plank. You deserve the day off after that workout!
Don’t worry, mama, you don’t start off that intensely from Day 1. Rather, the workouts build up slowly each day, and while you start off with just stretching and going on a long walk, by the end of the week, expect to add squats and planks to your routine. An additional repetitive cycle here or a new exercise there, and suddenly you’re doing more and more each day. What’s more, you can watch the videos on how to do your exercises safely and properly, just as you would have a personal trainer show you in the gym.
And don’t despair if you happen to hit a roadblock in the middle of your program and have to miss one day. The program also allows you access into past lessons to continue where you left off, or re-do something you may have forgotten. You literally set the pace you want to go at, knowing that you’re being supported the entire way.
So what happened to me after 40 days? While my body type hasn’t let me lose as much weight as I would have liked to, I’m certainly more conscious of my healthy habits on a daily basis, and even without realising it, I’m mentally trying to make healthier choices, be it taking the stairs over the lift or having fruit over ice cream. I am more toned and now look forward to seeing the little alerts on my phone and what challenges the day brings! And just like a gym membership that expires at some point, by the end of the 60 days you’re probably accustomed to setting aside time to exercise, so that’s something that will continue even after the two months are over. Good habits don’t just die! Especially when you start seeing encouraging results.
You probably already have a million apps on your phone – download one more. What’s the worst thing that could happen? You could end up getting rid of some of those unwanted kilos! There’s currently a New Year special price of s $95.90 (down from the regular $137.00 for a whopping 30% savings!). Register at www.mummylicious.getfulfilled.co and start 2016 off on a fabulous foot, mama!