Here’s why a good parent-teacher relationship makes for a better learning experience for your child
We all know how important good teacher-child relationships are in preschools – after all when your child is happy they are most receptive to learning. But how much does the parent-teacher relationship matter? Sought-after preschool MapleBear Singapore prides themselves in establishing a good relationship with parents. They believe learning starts at home with parents and if parents are informed and on board with the school and their programme, children will be much happier and better supported.
We speak to educator Patricia Koh, founder of MapleBear’s proven and dynamic curriculum that incorporates the very best of Canadian and Singaporean academics and social-emotional development.
How important is the parent-teacher relationship?
A child’s education begins at home. We understand that strong communication from our teachers helps support parents in providing the best care for their child. Parents who are connected with the school are usually parents who are well-informed and happy with their child’s progress and development. When parents are not aware of what is happening at school, they tend to become dissatisfied. This is why we make a special effort to build relationships with parents as it makes for a happy school life for your child.
How do teachers at MapleBear communicate and interact with parents?
DAILY – Parents are connected with our teachers daily through a MapleBear App which has been created to keep parents posted on their child’s daily needs such as what they are eating, sleep patterns, and their social interactions.
WEEKLY – Parents are updated on a weekly or bi-weekly basis on themes covered in their child’s learning journey. This weekly update includes some of the learning outcomes for language, math, science, physical education, music and movement, art & craft, and Chinese language.
MONTHLY – Parents are involved in monthly activities throughout the year including Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, National Day, Graduation Concerts and Christmas celebrations.
TWICE YEARLY – We meet the parents twice yearly in a formal setting to discuss their child’s progress once in June and once before the end of the year.
How much impact does a parent have on their child’s learning?
Children learn all the time in different settings and whenever they are with adults who spend time with them having a conversation, playing or doing some fun activities together. Children are not only learning when they are with their parents but they are forming a close relationship as they bond together through songs, stories and fun interactions. Children learn by example and when they are immersed in a positive relationship, the learning will have a great impact on their child’s life.
Do you find that the way in which your school communicates with parents improves the extent of parents’ home involvement with their child’s learning?
Home learning is a partnership. It takes a whole village to raise a child. Any partnership will definitely make a difference in the lives of young children. Parents who are supportive of the school’s efforts will see the benefits in their child’s development and learning.
What kind of information do teachers communicate to parents and how often?
Most of the time teachers will need to provide the kind of information that will help parents understand their child better. Parents who are concerned with their children’s daily food intake or toileting habits will be happy if the teachers are able to provide them with constant updates which will give parents a better idea of how their children are coping in school. Very often parents need assurance that their child is coping well in school.
Some other parents are more concerned about their child’s progress in school particularly with the learning outcomes. Teachers who are able to provide the right information about what their child has achieved and the progress they are making will win the trust of parents more readily.
With the pandemic it is harder for parents to be present at school – has this affected parent-teacher relationships?
During the pandemic, much effort had been put in to ensure that our communication with parents remains open and strong. We had to be creative and look for ways to communicate so that our parents are kept informed at all times. Our App keeps parents informed with daily updates.
The teacher-child relationship is one of the most important factors of a preschool. How do MapleBear teachers develop a good relationship with all kids?
Children are easily connected with teachers who are kind, considerate, and warm. Our teachers understand that children need to be comforted when their parents are not around but they also understand that children who are kept busy with the things they like doing, such as singing, listening to stories, playing games with their friends, being engaged in a project will often be happier in school and love coming to school.
When a child loves a teacher and looks forward to going to school, it is a sign that we have a good relationship that will last a long time. This is one of the most important ways we can help children start a lifelong love of learning – something we are passionate about at MapleBear.
If you would like to find out more about MapleBear’s caring educators, the dynamic curriculum developed by Canadian educators, and the bilingual learning experience, do email or call them for a tour.
MapleBear, 43 locations islandwide, [email protected], Tel: (+65) 9777 4866,