Hey mamas! In this day and age the Internet has become an amazing resource for soliciting advice and researching tricky, private topics while (hopefully!) still maintaining our anonymity. We frequently see anonymous posts on various message boards here in Singapore, and would like to introduce a new resource: Ask Anoushka!
Starting this month professional couples and family therapist (and Sassy Mama contributor) Anoushka Beh will answer questions submitted anonymously by our readers. Whether your issue relates to work, marriage, your children, or some combination of all three, Anoushka is equipped to help. Read on for background, a sample question, and everything you need to know to submit a question!
To Readers:
Becoming a parent and looking after a family comes with numerous highs and lows, joys and also challenges. While it may be difficult to sometimes make the time to get professional support with some of the trickier stuff, writing in to me with your question could be a more accessible option and next best thing. Through this platform, I’m looking to allow readers to reach out and get some practical advice and support around any life issues with which they might be struggling.
If you’re struggling with something, there’s a good chance that another reader out there is as well, so this will give me a chance to address issues that our community is experiencing firsthand, while you can in turn help someone else out by sharing your story and challenge with me.
In your question, feel free to include a bit of the context around the issue itself such (1) who’s involved (eg: my son/husband) and their ages (2) how long it’s been an issue and (3) any other factors around it that you feel might be useful for me to know. Questions should also be as clear as possible and specific about exactly what you would like me to address. An example might be:
“Dear Anoushka,
I’m currently having some difficulty balancing work and looking after my daughter, who has just turned 5. She’s an only child and after she was born, I decided that I would take a year off work and the only went back part-time, until a few months ago when I decided to take on more clients (I’m a trained Osteopath) and also start my PhD. My husband is very hands-on, but also works full time and sometimes travels for work. I didn’t think it was going to have such a huge impact, but now I’m finding myself feeling guilty for missing out on the time I used to have with her and also feeling more tired when we do get time together at the end of the day. I would like to know how I can manage the situation better moving forward so I’m able to stay at work and continue with the PhD without impacting the quality of my relationship with my daughter. Any tips would be great!”
How to submit a question:
Just email [email protected] (it’s completely anoymous!).
Submission deadline:
This first month our deadline will be Monday, 25 May, and we will publish the column the following week. Each month we will aim to answer 3-5 questions.
Anoushka hopes to hear from you, mamas!