Want to support Earth Hour and do more than just turn your lights off, mama? Here’s how you can help the cause in Singapore!
Earth Hour 2016 is coming in March, mama, but you can help Singapore prepare for it RIGHT NOW! If you’re not familiar, it’s a grassroots initiative from the World Wildlife Federation (WWF) that started back in 2007 as a global environmental movement to encourage awareness of the plight of climate change around the world. Today over 172 countries participate in this event where you’re asked to just turn the lights off for one hour.
So how can you help? The WWF is urgently looking for volunteers who are available to call companies, schools and organisations in Singapore THIS WEEK to participate in the massive ‘lights-off’ event happening at 8.30pm on Saturday, 19 March, 2016. Whether you’ve got just an hour to spare or you can go every day, it’ll be a massive help. The WWF will provide a list of numbers to call and a script of what to say over the phone, all you need to do is stop by during office hours (9am-6pm) any day this week through Friday, 26 February.
If you’re interested, please contact Melissa Chong (Campaigns Specialist, WWF-Singapore) at [email protected].
Where? The WWF’s offices are centrally located at the Tanglin International Centre, 354 Tanglin Road, #02-11, Singapore 247672.
Even if you can’t make it down for calls, you can still help by turning off your lights for an hour on Saturday, 19 March, mama. As 2016 is Earth Hour’s 10-year anniversary, there will also be a big bash at the Float@Marina Bay, including a concert, a laser light show at MBS and the ArtScience Museum, and a massive yoga event (with an attempt to set the world record for most yoga tree poses to show our love for the forests!).
Hate the haze? (Who doesn’t?!) There is also a special regional campaign with Indonesia and Malaysia focusing on the need to protect forests as a key action against the haze crisis. That is definitely something we can all get behind!