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Day 10: Win a Baby Bjorn Carrier One and Bib!


We’ve teamed up with our fave mama and baby store, Mothercare, to give away over $3500 worth of prizes – one for each of the 12 days of Christmas, growing in value and awesomeness every day until we come to the uber-grand prize, a Silver Cross stroller! On the tenth day of Christmas, Sassy Mama and Mothercare gave to me… a Baby Bjorn Carrier One and Bib!

The Rolls Royce of baby carriers- the new Baby Bjorn One. Yep, Mothercare are giving one away today mamas!

Developed to provide ultimate comfort for mama and baby as well as be ergonomically sound, the Baby Bjorn is a safe and stylish option for clingy little munchkins. The BabyBjorn One can be worn in four different positions including a special position for newborns. You can also choose to carry your child facing inwards, outwards or even on your back (which comes in handy when traveling with screaming toddlers…).

The Baby Bjorn One has been developed together with pediatricians to ensure it provides the right support for growing children’s’ heads, backs and hips.. and speaking of hips, it has a waist belt that relieves the pressure from your back when carrying mini around. Go on – you know you want one.

Fill out my online form.

Sasys Mama tip: Mothercare have an in-store 0% interest instalment payment program. Customers simply need to spend $300 and above using DBS or UOB credit cards to take advantage!


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