This week we have a very special guest on Sassy Mama Singapore — Instant Goddess! With a loyal following on our sister site in Hong Kong, Instant Goddess loves sharing her inside fashion knowledge, delivering style and sanity to mamas everywhere. This week Instant Goddess shares with us her latest fashion finds in French chic for little ones.
La Queue du Chat
At Instant Goddess HQ we do LOVE it when we discover a new funky kids’ brand that is a break from the high street monotony. So our little shopping antennae went into overdrive when La Queue du Chat appeared on the shopping radar. La Queue du Chat, or “The Cat’s Tail” if your French is a bit rusty, (sounds so much better en Français, n’est ce-pas?) is, of course, a French brand for babies and kids. Unique patterns come in cheerful colourful palettes, and all in 100% soft, organic cotton that’s perfect for our Singapore weather and your little one’s delicate skin.
La Queue du Chat not only prides itself on being a fair trade label, but the processes used in producing the garments are environmentally friendly. The age range is from newborn to 10 years and we LOVE that boys and girls are equally represented on the design front… so often the boys end up being a little shortchanged in the style stakes, but not at La Queue du Chat. We can vouch for the high quality of the clothes, so if you’re looking for a unique present for a special little someone or want a break from the run of the mill high street fare then you’re going to love this line.
Now, in the words of La Queue du Chat the clothes are “fun and practical, with just that little touch of chic, chic French style… at affordable prices”. Now, bien sûr, Instant Goddess does love a bit of French chic-chic, but Instant Goddess also prides herself on her honesty, and she’s not completely sure she would usually classify the clothes in her affordable bracket.
So what to do? How about a lovely and très chic 20% off everything online at La Queue du Chat? That definitely makes the clothes more affordable! To avail yourself of this exclusive Sassy Mama discount, simply input SASSYMAMASG at checkout and voilà! Chic and cheap(er)! (Discount code available until 30th September 2013)
Here’s a little inspiration to get your styling juices flowing.
For the girls
Top left: Girls roll neck in red €27.50 ($47); Arabesque dress €45.00 ($77), Leggings red €17.50 ($30); Top right: Blouse Juliette Paon €37.00 ($63); Bottom left: Skirt Katia Frog €37.00 ($63); Bottom right: Girls roll neck in red €27.50 ($47); Blouse Croacroa frog creme €35.00 ($60); Skirt in poppy €40.25 ($69).
For the boys
Top: Roll neck stripes €30.00 ($51); Long sleeve t-shirt in wasabi €27.50 ($47); Straight cut trousers in grey €46.25 ($79); Middle row: Hoody in grey €45.00 ($77); Bottom row: Long sleeve t-shirt in red €27.50 ($47) and Multi-pocket trousers in khaki €46.00 ($78).
For the babes
Top left: Onesie with print in indigo €20.00 ($34); Top right: Dress polkaarche €25.00 ($43); Bottom left: Trunk rose €36.50 ($63); Bottom right: Sleep suit boy €39.75 ($68).
(All prices above are in euros with approximate conversions into $SGD for your ease of reference.)
Until next time mini Goddesses and Gods everywhere! Remember to keep your fastest finger on the fashion pulse. XX
Ed note: Having given a few pieces from La Queue du Chat’s summer collection a whirl with my 3-year-old, I was impressed with the quality, wearability and (not to mention) the softness of these clothes. They washed so well and received such positive feedback whenever my son wore them out that he asks most days now to wear his “crocodile shirt”. Love!