“Everybody should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.” Steve Jobs
The age of technology is well and truly upon us, mama. Find out how your child could lead the digital future, plus get a free LCCL Coding Academy trial class this November!
Without wanting to sound too sci-fi, computers are everywhere – and we’re not just talking smartphones and tablets. Our children are learning and growing in an environment where education, travel and even socialising are enhanced by technology. LCCL Coding Academy (formerly known as The Kid Coders) believes that digital literacy is going to be a core skill in the not-too-distant future. So it’s great news that their team of experienced educators and industry experts have got your child covered for everything they need to be a leader in this new age of computerisation!
Problem Solving Skills
The focus at LCCL is on teaching Computational Thinking, through coding and other digital skills. Believe us, this is so much more than making apps or programming a computer. It’s a mindset that will develop your child’s analytical and problem-solving abilities in all areas of their life.
Fun classes
The creative learning environment that LCCL has developed at its Tanglin Road campus is the perfect blend of fun and education, for 5 to 18-year olds. Small class sizes, beyond-classroom learning and mentoring ensure that every child benefits from innovative, cross-curricula teaching methods.
Coding experts
And the strong team here really know their stuff. LCCL (formerly known as The Kid Coders) is one of the earliest Singapore-grown coding schools, and the teaching staff includes passionate educators and IT professionals and experts in computational thinking. The board of advisors (comprises a university professor specializing in CT, the CIO of a large organization and a quantitative hedge fund manager) all advise on the LCCL curriculum.
Good news! It’s FREE for your child to try out a class in November. Simply register online at lcclcoding.com to join one. If you decide to sign your child up, their current promo, gives you up to 20% off one course.