Pilates can come across as a bit intimidating for the uninitiated. First of all, how is it even pronounced? (Pill-ah-tees, fyi). And what’s with all those ropes and pulleys and various other accessories that you’d never see in a simple yoga studio? (That’s the Reformer machine, and It. Is. Awesome.)
The bottom line, mamas, is that Pilates is all about developing the strength and flexibility to better control your body, because with more efficient movement comes better quality of life. It doesn’t hurt that it tones problem areas and gives you the long, lean dancer’s look, either. And now Breathe Pilates has come out with the perfect package for those who were always curious but perhaps a bit too intimidated to try.
Starting this month, Breathe Pilates and their ace team of qualified trainers will offer a 4-week Beginners’ Group Class at just $160 for four sessions. Typically beginners are asked to enroll in private classes, which start at $300. We understand that’s quite the investment when you’re trying something new that you might not even like!
There is SO much to love about these classes, mamas. For one thing, they’re conveniently offered in two central locations: Parkway Centre on the East Coast and Novena Medical Centre. Even better, classes are on Saturdays, which means you don’t have to worry about skipping lunch or rushing out of work to make a 6pm start time. Plus with the relaxed group setting, it’s perfect to try with a friend.
The course will cover the basic exercises and principles of Pilates, including correct form and alignment, breathing techniques, ribcage placement and scapula movement. (Trust us, you have never been truly aware of your ribcage and scapula until you’ve done Pilates). You’ll also be introduced to the Reformer machine and learn how to use it properly, so you’ll be sliding and gliding with the pros in no time.
The 4-week Beginners’ Package starts the first weekend of each month, and by the end we’re sure you’ll be a Pilates devotee. Fortunately Breathe Pilates offers a full range of intermediate and advanced classes to keep you busy!
Classes start this Saturday, 6 December, and run for four weeks. The Parkway class is at 12pm and limited to 5 people; the Novena class is at 4pm and is limited to 4 people. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Breathe Pilates
10 Sinaran Drive, #09-33 Novena Medical Centre, Singapore 307506
Tel: (+65) 9835 5683
1 Marine Parade Central, #13-02 Parkway Centre, Singapore 44908
Tel: (+65) 9835 5683