27 – 29 May
12pm – 1:30pm
Join a panel of early childhood education experts from Busy Bees Asia at The Best Start in Life (From Home) as they share their know-how on a variety of topics! Representatives from Brighton Montessori, Bright Path, Learning Horizon, Learning Vision, Odyssey, Pat’s Schoolhouse and Small Wonder will touch on various topics ranging from incorporating music and STEM to empowering children, helping them focus on tasks, and fun activities to do at home. While the program is open for all, the topics covered are most relevant for parents of kids aged 3-6 years old.
Register now for these engaging sessions and get useful insights. The first 50 registrants for each session will receive an exclusive Busy Bees’ enrichment kit (with 4-weeks’ worth of activities) for free*!
27 May, 12pm – 1:30pm
– Building Resilience in Children by Sharen Ong from Odyssey The Global Preschool
– How to Keep Children Focused, the Brighton Montessori Way by Pauline Yong from Brighton Montessori
– Primary School Prep: STEM and Its Relevance by Sendy from Learning Horizon
28 May, 12pm – 1:30pm
– Supporting Positive Behaviour in Children by Tricia Tam from Bright Path Inclusive Preschool
– Music in a Child’s Development by Eunice Gee and Shannon Goh from Pat’s Schoolhouse
29 May, 12pm – 1:30pm
– Cook, Eat, Learn the LV Way by Puspa Thiagarajan and Wirma Asad from Learning Vision
– Empowering Children: When to Draw the Line and Instilling Independence in Children by Salina Samsu from Small Wonder Preschool
*Free Busy Bees Activity Kit to be given to first 50 signups for each session. Attendance is required for activity kit redemption. Activity kit to be collected at your nearest Busy Bees centre. Our Customer Service Officers will contact eligible participants for more details.