What’s the most romantic thing your partner’s ever done? In honour of Valentine’s Day, we pause to look back on the surprisingly awww-inducing moments
In honour of Valentine’s Day, we thought we’d get a little soft and mushy by recalling some of the most romantic moments in our relationships. It’s not about flowers or candy or jewellery, mamas; from pink eye to being stranded at the airport, you’ll love reading about the surprising moments that have stuck with us over the years. What’s YOUR favourite romantic memory? Tell us on our Facebook page!
“Pre-kids my husband’s most romantic moment (other than his marriage proposal on top of London’s Primrose Hill) was when he surprised me with a weekend skiing in Switzerland, taking the train from London to Paris and then a sleeper train through the mountains. Now that we have 3 little ones he’s romantic in lots of unconventional ways. While I might not get flowers I do get delicious home-cooked meals and regular lie-ins while he takes care of the kids – for which I am eternally grateful (and slightly more sane!). “
“I once got stranded at JFK airport in New York after my evening flight to Boston was cancelled due to a thunderstorm. I needed to be in Boston the next morning for a family wedding; my then-fiance, who was already in Boston, drove 3.5 hours through the night to pick me up at 3am, yelled at the airline until they gave me my checked luggage back, and drove us back in time for the wedding. It may be the one time in my life where I ever felt truly ‘rescued.’”
“When my husband and I first started dating (after being friends for a few months), Christmas rolled around quickly so it felt too soon to invite him down to Florida where I was spending the holidays with my huge extended family. We spoke every night on the phone and when he asked, “so what are you doing tomorrow, for Christmas day?” I told him about my cousin’s annual Christmas party. His reply was, “Can I come?” I thought he was joking, but it turned out he already bought a plane ticket and coordinated with my sisters. Everyone was in on it! He showed up just in time for the party and met my entire family in one shot. He made a great impression and everyone loved him. It was a bold gesture, well executed, and super romantic.”
– Marisa
“We don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day, except that we may use it as an excuse to buy a box of Swiss or Belgian chocolates or truffles worth their weight in gold… which reminds me of my favourite romantic anecdote! The first time I met my husband was in a supermarket in Maastricht, The Netherlands where we were both university students grocery shopping for dinner late that evening. We did not end up having dinner together but we did start dating. I could not wait to introduce him to my parents and when the time was right he visited my parents and left an impression that blew my entire family away… My then-boyfriend had prepared homemade chocolate truffles and delicately wrapped them in a gorgeous see-through box tied with a golden ribbon. I come from a family with a passion for chocolate so it was a double whammy! Not only could no one get over how delicious these truffles were, but how thoughtfully he had wrapped them. My grandmother was also there and only had one thing to say after he left: “He’s a keeper!” And that I did ;)”
– Carlijn
“My husband is not a man of grand gestures, but he makes me feel cherished every single day with the simple everyday things that he does for me, and most of all what he does for my daughter. The little sneaky snacks he passes to her when I’m not looking, forming little pacts with her behind mummy’s back, getting her that little bag of “jewels” she thought were real gems at Disneyland (she still keeps and cherishes that little black velvet bag), collecting little sea shells for her when we’re at a beach vacation and telling me, These are for Surina. Every time he does something for her, my heart melts. And she can’t get enough of him either — she asks every day when he’ll be home from work and the way she says YAY! when I tell her he’s coming home from a business trip is so cute. When you’re already a mom at the point you get married, you want to know that the man you marry isn’t right just for you, but for your kid too. And little signs like these truly make the difference.”
“After a successful first solo trip to Japan, my then-boyfriend loved it so much that he immediately planned to go there again and excitedly booked his flight a year in advance. A few months later we decided we’d get married in less than half a year (it was a rushed preparation due to needing a marriage certificate to secure our first home) and I completely forgot that he had scheduled his trip around the same period. Once we were in the midst of planning it suddenly hit me that we hadn’t given any thought to our honeymoon, and that was when he revealed that he had already secretly bought me a ticket on the same flight, leaving just a week after the wedding! He even called the airline to make sure we could get seated together despite buying tickets months apart. I had the best two weeks of my life on that trip – it was the perfect start to our lives together.”
– Syazana
“When we first started dating I came down with a horrible case of pink eye. It was really so bad and I was incredibly self conscious about it. I remember my (now) husband telling me not to worry, that he thought I was beautiful no matter what. I didn’t believe him and was pretty down on myself (it was really horrible, I tell you!) so he decided to take another approach and make me smile through one of the things I loved best. He told me he was going out for a bit and when he came back he presented me with a shoebox that contained a pair of pink shoes to match my pink eye. He said that these shoes would be a reminder of my pink eye and that when I wore them or looked at them I should always remember that he thinks I am beautiful even if I don’t feel in tip-top shape myself. Fifteen years later I still have those pink shoes sitting on my shelf as a reminder that I have a guy who has always looked beyond my looks to see my beauty.”