Chatsworth’s class of 2021 achieved stellar results in their IB Diploma examinations. One perfect scorer shares why the Chatsworth community and teachers played such an important part in her amazing results
Should school be just about academic success? Chatsworth International School believes that school should be a place that offers students a warm and supportive environment where they feel encouraged and inspired to learn. Students at Chatsworth follow the IB programme which encourages students to think critically, drive their own learning and be more culturally aware as many develop a second language – all characteristics that put students in good stead to go on to some of the highest-ranking universities around the world.
The Class of 2021 achieved stellar results in their IB Diploma examinations with a 100% pass rate and a top score of 45 points. Chatsworth has maintained an average score of 36 points for three consecutive years, from 2019 to 2021 surpassing the world average score. 33% of the graduating cohort achieved 38 points and above. 33% of the cohort were awarded the prestigious bilingual diploma, with a 100% pass rate. 87% of the 2021 graduates have received acceptances from universities while the remaining have to fulfil their military service.
We catch up with Chatsworth graduate Ori Mizrahi, a perfect scorer in the IB exams. Ori received the prestigious bilingual diploma in English and Hebrew. As Ori is Israeli, she will be carrying out military service before going to university. We hear how Chatsworth was instrumental in her educational journey and character development.
Ori Mizrahi
Chatsworth graduate from the class of 2021. Ori spent five years with Chatsworth, from years 9 to 13.
What have you been up to after graduating?
In Israel it is an obligation to do the army. As I had left Israel at a relatively young age it is not compulsory for me but I am choosing to become part of the military. I am currently enrolled in a pre-military program in an agricultural settlement that focuses on physical and mental military preparation. I am learning more about myself and others through lectures, experiencing community living and becoming a better person through working and volunteering.
How has your educational journey with IB program helped you so far?
I believe that the IB is an amazing course that regardless of the subjects taken it has the potential to provide many life skills. Although I have yet to see how the academic content that I have learned will be put to use, I can say with confidence that the rigour of the IBDP has made me a more organised and determined person, with great passion and dedication for any task or challenge that I have encountered so far. It is clear that my methods for combating hardships are also applied to my pre military program and the challenges that come with community living and being away from my family. I see a clear distinction between myself and other individuals when it comes to tackling an unknown task or having to encounter new information and I believe that the IB and its requirements are the cause of that.
How did you feel when you found out you scored 45 points and topped your school cohort?
I remember being super stressed the whole week prior to the release of exam results. I think that the main feeling I felt was just relief to be finally finished and on such a great note. I then also felt huge pride to know that my hours of endless work and effort were not for nothing. It felt good to know that my best was good enough but I was mainly happy to be done.
How did you prepare for the IB exams amid the challenging pandemic? What message would you have for other students preparing for IB?
Personally I don’t think that the pandemic affected my learning style. We were quite lucky to be in school our entire senior year and therefore I don’t think that the lack of a pandemic would have affected my studying that much. However I mainly wrote a lot of notes, and tried to remember that I chose some of my subjects for a reason, that the content that might seem annoying is now something I have a genuine passion for. A message that I have for other students is to remember that you are more important than a number, and that balance is the most important component to the score. An hour of sleep or an hour with your family may be much more valuable than that extra hour of studying at 2am.
Tell us about an unforgettable memory of your time at Chatsworth.
I was in Chatsworth for 5 years, so there are countless experiences to recall. However, I think that our grade-wide pursuit to ensure that we can have an in-person graduation was one of the more meaningful moments for our grade. After a year and half of dealing with a pandemic we came together for the common goal of having a proper end to our high school at Chatsworth.
Was there any teacher who really inspired you or challenged you to think differently?
I had many amazing teachers at Chatsworth, but I think that the one that made the most impact on me was Mr. Jenson. He was one of the teachers whose style I had to get used to and really hated at the beginning. He encouraged open conversation and debate as opposed to copying down notes off a board (which is my personal preference). He taught me how to think more practically and helped me further my passion for business management and economics. On a deeper level he also challenged me a lot in aspects other than just academics, such as looking at the bigger picture and supporting my outlook on balance and I saw it come to fruition in class. I think that his lessons will stay with me and guide me a lot in the future.
How did Chatsworth support your journey?
I think that the teachers and community at Chatsworth are amazing. The community is what makes Chatsworth feel like home. The support from my peers and the never-ending help from my teachers was an undeniable factor in my IB score.
Which university and course are you thinking of enrolling in after completion of your military service?
I would like to study in a University in Europe, especially the UK. I think that as of now I would study business management and economics, simply because I am very passionate about them and I want to love what I do.
Keen to see how your child can benefit from a caring school community and stellar IB Diploma programme? Find out more about Chatsworth and how they prepare students for life beyond high school by contacting their admissions.
Chatsworth International School, 72 Bukit Tinggi Road, Singapore 289760, [email protected],Tel: (+65) 6463 3201, www.chatsworth.com.sg