Need we say this one more time – summer is here! Here is a fun kitchen activity for you and your little darlings – Fruit Wedge Jello (jelly, if you’re an Aussie or a Brit!)
You can handle the cutting and juicing, while your kids can fill the fruit bowls up with Jello. Let your creativity run wild!
Make these in whatever colour and fruit combinations you wish – oranges, lemons, limes and strawberries are all great options. We used oranges, and as many colours of the rainbow as we could! For your next summer party, why not try making mini “watermelon” slices, using lime and red Jello? What about lemon on lemon? Or filling a strawberry with Jello to make a delightful dessert? Spiking it up with vodka or rum is a sure winner at any summer parties (once the kids are tucked up in bed!)
What You Need:
- Jello mix
- Oranges
- Muffin moulds / tins
- Juicer
- Spoon
- Knife
- Mixing bowl
What To Do:
1. Have all your ingredients and tools ready.
2. Cut your oranges in halves. You can do it horizontally across the middle as shown, or slice your orange vertically down. I find that slicing vertically down yields better-looking wedges.
3. Carefully juice your orange halves. You don’t need to juice them too clean, just taking away most of the juice will do for easier de-pulping. Be careful not to poke any holes in the orange peel!
4. De-pulp your orange using a large spoon. Do this gently to ensure that you don’t ruin the peel.
5. Prop your orange halves on muffin moulds to keep them steady. Prepare your Jello mix in a mixing bowl and fill your orange halves. Note that you may wish to add less water than instructed or add gelatine to your Jello mix so that you can have a firmer end result.
6. Refrigerate your orange halves for at least 4 hours or until the Jello is set. Use a sharp knife to slice. Enjoy!
And for loads more cute, clever and crafty ideas, check out SweetP on Facebook!