Enter our giveaway for your chance to win 3 months’ of drop-off play at Trehaus Kids
Can you really have it all, mamas? Since it opened earlier this year, Trehaus has been making waves with working parents in Singapore in search of a flexible way to get things done while still staying close to their little ones. Whether you’re a working mama on a nursing schedule or a papa who needs to make a few conference calls in between preschool pickup and the afternoon nap, the awesome Trehaus Kids Atelier just might be the answer to your prayers (it’s certainly answered mine!).
As good as the atelier sounds on paper (they offer an amazing Reggio Emilia-inspired play space under the leadership of trained early childhood educators), it’s even better in practice: it’s a beautiful space awash in natural light (surprisingly rare in Singapore!), filled with engaging materials for children aged 6 months to 6 years old. And it’s not just for parents working next door; they also offer drop-off services if you need a few hours to run errands or get some much needed mama-me time on Orchard Road.
On a recent Thursday morning, I dropped my 2-year-old daughter, Maggie, off at the atelier while I repaired next door to work in peace and quiet (then ran downstairs to grab some groceries from Cold Storage). Every so often when I popped into the adjacent pantry to grab a coffee or a glass of water, I’d catch Maggie immersed in a different activity: the first time she was running around in a tiger costume (so cute!), then she was painting at an easel, next she was cuddled up singing along with one of the teachers as she played “The Wheels on the Bus” on her portable keyboard.
It was absolutely amazing to see my daughter so happy and engaged, particularly in such a warm and harmonious environment amongst children of all different ages. We love the programme facilitators (Maggie asks about them all week long) and it’s wonderful to see how the children can make friends with each even in the space of just a couple hours.
In addition to a loose daily schedule of different free-play activities, the atelier also offers a host of specialised programmes like ‘Dramahaus’ and outdoor sensory play to encourage play-based learning (these can be supervised or parent-accompanied). Ultimately it’s all about encouraging little ones to explore, wonder and discover – and I can say from firsthand experience that they succeed! There’s even a sleeping nook and meals corner so little ones can get in that important nap or morning snack, even if you are in the middle of a work task or have an appointment you can’t get out of.
Have we got you sufficiently enticed, mama? The Trehaus Play Atelier is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm, at the cost of $15 per hour for members and $20 for the public, which I consider great value considering the fantastic supervision my child is under with the play facilitators.
If you want to learn more, be sure to stop by Trehaus to try it out for yourself, and enter our giveaway for your chance to win a 3-month drop-off package worth $1,540! You’ll get 30 hours of drop-off playtime per month – just think of everything you could get done with that newfound free time, mama! Just enter your deets in the form below, mama!
Trehaus, Claymore Connect, 442 Orchard Road, #03-01, Singapore 238879, Tel: (+65) 9843 8077