Struggling to get your kiddos to love learning, mama? Joyous Learning will make enrichment FUN. Plus find out how you can save 50% off fees!
We all know too well how much little ones can sometimes dread going for after-school programmes, mama (heck, even I remember skipping a class or two back in primary school!). So how do we encourage them to want to attend these extra classes, especially if they need the added push to improve in specific subjects? Inspirational teachers with a lot of heart, exciting activities during lessons and a cosy learning environment may be all your child needs – all of which you can find at Joyous Learning!
The programmes at Joyous Learning include curriculum subjects for upper primary students like English, Maths and Science, plus a creative writing class called The Thinking Writer for your enthusiastic future authors! Other special courses include a variety of various disciplines from Life Skills and Public Speaking to Coding and GEP Test Preparation.
With a mission to make learning an enjoyable process, students get the opportunity to participate in learning activities that nurture independent thinking and creativity, which targets the top three Q’s that make for a well-educated and well-rounded future citizen of the world: Intelligence Quotient (IQ); Emotional Quotient (EQ); and Creative Quotient (CQ). They even bring this right-brain (that’s the creative half of your noggin) feature to their blog, which parents can look to for the latest ideas and news on education.
With a syllabus aligned with that of the Ministry of Education’s (MOE), Joyous Learning’s team of passionate educators are made up of National Institute of Education (NIE)-trained veteran teachers and published curriculum writers (check out their impressive profiles on their website, mama!). For those worried about your kiddo getting insufficient attention in class, don’t be! Class sizes are kept small for ideal teacher-student ratio with a maximum of just 8 to 9 pupils.
If you’re already looking ahead to keep your bub occupied during the year-end holidays, check out their holiday programmes, which include Code & Build, Junior Toastmasters, PSLE Primer Series and Finding X & Y (Intro to Algebra), to name a few.
So head to the homely enrichment space at Toa Payoh Central now to register your child with a special first-timer discount below, mama!
Get a waiver of registration fees (worth $32.10), 50% off 2 months’ fees (worth up to $310.30!) and a welcome pack that includes a journal, file, tote bag and pen when you register before 31 December 2016, mama! Sign up for the Joyous Learning e-newsletter by December 2017 and receive 10% off their workshops!
Joyous Learning, 177 Toa Payoh Central, #01-138, Singapore 570177, Tel: (+65) 6264 9193, www.facebook.com/joyouslearning, www.joyouslearning.com.sg