Whether you’ve just had a baby or are starting to pay more attention to your pelvic floor, these Instagram accounts are definitely worth checking out
Thanks to a series of articles in the last two months, I hope you now understand the importance of taking care of your deep core and pelvic floor throughout pregnancy and after delivery. Perhaps you’ve made an appointment with a pelvic floor physiotherapist*, or sought out advice from a personal trainer who specializes in perinatal (pregnant + postpartum) populations.
Maybe you, like me, have now become a bit of a pelvic floor geek. (I can dream, can’t I?) Regardless, if your interest has been piqued, and you want to learn from, connect with, and support some amazing women, I highly recommend these five Instagram accounts. Add these women to your Instagram feed to watch and learn as they discuss, advocate, educate, explore, and engage all things pelvic floor.
*Do note that the term “physiotherapist” in Asia and Australia is synonymous with “physical therapist” in the US.
**Please note that social media posts do not take the place of individualized care from a practitioner who has assessed you, specifically. These women provide amazing information, but it doesn’t substitute for an actual assessment. If you have concerns or symptoms (pelvic pain, low back pain, urinary/fecal incontinence, pain during sex), please see a health care professional!
Who: Sara Reardon is a pelvic health physiotherapist based in New Orlean, Louisiana, USA, who specializes in perinatal populations, both in a local clinic and virtually.
Follow for: Humor, truth, and information about your body during pregnancy and postpartum. As a working mom of two toddlers, Sara’s style is casual and relatable for young Moms — reading her posts is like chatting with a close friend, plus the bonus of information on pooping, periods, pumping, and more. Her stories are also jam-packed with info; I don’t usually watch Stories, but make an exception for hers!
Who: Haley Shevener is a personal trainer, kettle bell and movement enthusiast who specializes in working with perinatal populations, in person in San Francisco, CA, USA, and online. As a lifelong athlete, she speaks and writes about pelvic organ prolapse (and other pelvic floor health issues) with experience, compassion, and hope.
Follow for: Real talk about parenting, mental health, pelvic floor health, and all of the grey areas in fitness and training women. Haley doesn’t believe in rules – she believes in empowering women with tools and confidence to explore movement, and to return to activities they love with information, not fear. I credit Haley with improving my personal kettle bell practice – and lucky for all of us, she JUST launched an online kettle bell course: Female-Inclusive Approach to Kettlebell Training. Check it out on her profile.
Who: Julie Wiebe is a sports medicine physiotherapist in Los Angeles, CA, USA, and self-described “Women’s Health Evangelist”. She was one of the earliest advocates and practitioners of bridging the gap between athleticism and pelvic floor care, and her work is the foundation of the most current perinatal exercise practices.
Follow for: Current research/evidence in the women’s health field, and a healthy dose of ANTI-fear-mongering in the pelvic floor health community. Julie’s goal is to help women return to the activities they love, pain- and leak-free, and equip other professionals to do the same. Julie’s online lecture/tutorial was my first introduction to breathing and movement techniques to help heal and restore core function in postpartum populations.
Who: Brianna is a strength and conditioning coach, former water-polo player, and Cross Fit athlete in Southern California, USA. After the birth of her first son, and some misguided postpartum advice, she went searching for a better way. A self-described “dot connector”, she reads, thinks, networks, and uses what she learns to empower coaches, instructors, and professional athletes to provide better care for perinatal women who love intense, competitive sport.
Follow for: Information from a woman who understand the “athlete mindset”, and manages to provide useful information while still respecting the need for individualized assessments and care. I’m currently taking her Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism Course, and it is changing the way I teach and coach all of my clients – not just the perinatal ones! Brianna has literally built and trained a community of coaches who have the skill set to properly care for perinatal populations in competitive gym environments.
Post to Highlight: June 6, Pregnant Brianna pushing a sled (From an ad I saw: “Pregnancy is not an excuse to let my body and health go…”_)
Who: Katy Bowman is a biomechanist and movement ecologist who explores human movement as a researcher, teacher, student, and parent. While pelvic health is no longer her main focus, she has researched and written extensively about diastasic recti, and all of her movement education is designed to support long-term pelvic floor health.
Follow for: Inspiration to move more, and to build a life for yourself and your family that’s centered around movement. Katy’s choices might seem more extreme to some, but she works tirelessly to brainstorm ways to help us all – ages 1 to 100 – move better, and move more. She’s smart, silly, and my greatest respect for her comes from how she 100% “walks the walk” (literally) that she advocates. She is the reason that our family has a furniture-free living room!
Lead image by Brianna Battles