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Singapore National Day: 52 Things Kids Love About Singapore

Singapore National Day: Celebrate 52 Years
Family LifePost Category - Family LifeFamily LifePlayPost Category - PlayPlay

With National Day on the horizon, we find out what kids love about living in Singapore!

It’s no secret that we absolutely love living in Singapore; in fact last year, in honour of the country’s 51st birthday, we put together a list of 51 Things We Love about the Little Red Dot. THIS year, we took things a step further by turning to our kids to find out what THEY love about it. It’s truly the little things that kids appreciate, and it puts such a smile on our face. Get ready for some major cuteness, mamas!

We won’t spoil the entire list – technically we may be a few items over, plus there’s some definite overlap (would you believe that all kids love chicken rice and The Singapore Zoo?!) – but here are a few choice highlights of what kids love about Singapore:

  • Clean toilets
  • “My Yaya”
  • Getting to play football and rugby all year round
  • The big slide at Jacob Ballas
  • Drinking coconuts
  • Skateboarding with my dad in East Coast Park
  • “It’s super safe and my mum lets me go around the condo by myself!”
  • Feeding the turtles at the Botanic Gardens

Be sure to watch the video for the full list, mamas, and have a wonderful National Day!

Thanks to all the kids from Team Sassy Mama for taking the time to tell us what you love! Some footage was shot with the Sony Xperia XZs.

Featured image from Changi Recommends via Pinterest

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