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Meet Polar Bear Inuka at Singapore Zoo's New Frozen Tundra Exhibit!

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WebJust last week we were telling you about our favourite parts of Singapore Zoo, and now we’re pleased to report we have a brand-new one to add to our list — Inuka the Polar Bear! We stopped by this weekend to say hello and welcome him to his new home… Thankfully he was born locally (in captivity) so he’s not having too much trouble acclimatising. Inuka has an enormous cool pool to splash around in, which luckily for us has one glass side so you can marvel at his grace under water, and an ice cave to chill out in. The hordes were definitely in full effect, so if you’re planning on visiting Inuka and getting up close and personal, we recommend (as always!) arriving first thing in the morning.

photo1What else is at the Frozen Tundra? Well, while Inuka is definitely the star attraction, you can also check out the new resident raccoon dogs, Pom and Poko, and Boris and Ivana the wolverines. Thought wolverines were only in X-men? Well, turns out they’re really pretty cute little furry creatures that look a little bit like bears! As usual with the fabulous zoo, there’s plenty of easily digestable information available on the different species, as well as plenty of serious stuff about how global warning is taking away polar bears’ natural habitats.

photo2Like the white tigers, Inuka seems to be engaging in some repetitive behaviours (swimming around in the same circle and making the same movements again and again), so you definitely come away with the feeling that magnificent animals like polar bears shouldn’t really be in zoos… But as far as zoos go, he’s in one of the best! 


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