Two IB Diploma graduates from GIIS share how the programme and student life at the school positively shaped their mindset, experiences and life views
An international school offering holistic K-12 education, Global Indian International School (GIIS) is a popular school of choice for students who want to prepare for the International Baccalaureate Diploma. It’s no surprise why, as GIIS provides students with access to experienced teachers, collaborative learning spaces, state-of-the-art facilities, skill-based studios and in-demand international curricula at a moderate fee. IBDP students at GIIS have also gained outstanding results – the May 2022 cohort earned 38.6 out of 45 points, a favourable number when compared to the world average of 31.98. Ten top scorers also got a full 45/45 to become world toppers and 16 students had near-perfect scores of 44/45.
An IB programme that builds character and resilience
Being an IB student at GIIS isn’t just about mastering academic success. Because of the nature of the IBDP and its three core components – including Theory of Knowledge, Creativity, Activity and Service or CAS and the Extended Essay – students are more willing to take on challenges, act collaboratively and persevere in the face of difficulty.
Well-rounded students have opportunities in sports and extracurricular activities
Students also have a balanced school life and are able to participate in various sports, co-curricular and extracurricular activities as well as clubs that are associated with external organisations such as the Law Society of Singapore, Rotary Club and Toastmasters International, TED-Ed and more. This results in well-rounded students who are prepared for the future.
We chat with two IBDP graduates from the Class of 2022 to see what they had to say about their time at GIIS.
“My courses made me more worldly, and encouraged me to analyse everything, from advertisements to political speeches so that I can think about them critically and choose whether to be influenced by them or not…”
Aabha Gokhale, 17, joined GIIS from India when she was in Grade 5. Over the last eight years, Aabha has enjoyed a wide variety of activities at GIIS, including learning Odissi, an Indian classical dance form, for more than six years. She has performed numerous times in Singapore and internationally. An avid reader, she likes English literature and translated works from different parts of the world.
You’ve been a GIIS student for 8 years. What has that been like?
I’ve found that the culture at GIIS has been getting more global and progressive over the years while retaining the Indian spirit. The teachers made my student life as smooth as possible, and were always there when I needed extra help whether with assignments, clarifications or even on things outside of academics. The facilities at GIIS have kept improving, and the state-of-the-art technology at the SMART Campus is really a testament to that. It makes the experience of completing a technologically demanding programme like the IBDP a lot easier. I’m sure the friends I made and the teachers I met will continue to be part of my robust support system well past my school life.
What’s an experience you’ll never forget in the IBDP?
In a lab experiment, I was culturing algae and had to use a spectrophotometer to analyse the chlorophyll content periodically. My classmates were working on their assignments around me. The lab was starting to emit a foul smell from the Escherichia coli cultures – some of us started to fight over lab equipment, some students were elated at the data they got, and others stared blankly at the plethora of chemicals around them or groaned at failed experiments. Through it all though, we used the experience we were each gaining from our own successes and failures to help each other and even managed to set up an informal system to allocate lab equipment. We celebrated each other’s successes and helped each other through our failures, becoming better friends and scientists in the process.
Have you any unique learning experiences at GIIS that will stay with you for life?
I really did learn a lot from all of the teachers at GIIS, who are very dear to me; each had a different teaching style that worked for their subject. I would like to especially highlight the Theory of Knowledge (component) and English Language – Literature. I believe both these courses made me more worldly, and encouraged me to analyse everything, from advertisements to political speeches so that I can think about them critically and choose whether to be influenced by them or not, as opposed to succumbing to their marketing and persuasive strategies.
Having obtained a perfect score of 45, Aabha has received multiple offers from prestigious universities such as Imperial College London and University College, London among others, but has decided to accept an offer from the University of Oxford to read Biochemistry (molecular and cellular) with a four-year MBiochem degree.
“My Maths teacher sat with me after class hours to help me master the subject”
18-year-old Yogin Ashta, who is of both Indian and Japanese heritage, was raised in India until the age of 15. He stayed in Japan for a year before relocating to Singapore in 2020. In Singapore, Yogin started Muay Thai and joined theatre classes at a local youth programme. His favourite past-time is exercising and he also practises Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
How challenging was the IBDP for you?
Despite taking the MYP in Grade 10 before coming to GIIS, I felt that there was a huge jump coming to the IBDP. Since I was also new to Singapore, I had to adapt socially within the school and outside as well. All my teachers at GIIS were extremely friendly and supportive though. For example, my Maths teacher was willing to sit down with me after class hours to help me understand concepts, which was helpful. The other teachers, especially our IBDP coordinator Ms. Deepa Chandrasekaran, went above and beyond in giving feedback on our IAs (Internal Assessments), extended essays, and much-needed support, reminders and advice beyond regular classes.
What was your favourite subject in the IBDP?
French B (Standard Level) was one of my favourite subjects as the teacher encouraged us to explore the Francophone culture beyond our textbooks by listening to French songs, watching French media and also presenting certain cultural aspects in class. Additionally, in Computer Science, I loved being challenged by programming problems that allowed me to think in a logical and analytical manner.
What are some of your favourite memories at GIIS?
While I do not often share my poetry, my English teacher encouraged me to take part in the National Poetry Festival 2021’s Write and Burn Challenge where I placed in the top 10. Additionally, my Economics teacher introduced me to the World Economics Cup 2021. For the national round, my team examined work culture from an economic standpoint and placed 5th out of 52 teams from 38 countries. Our success was based not only on the mutual passion for economics we shared, but also on the chemistry we built within the team during the competition.
With a high score of 40/45, Yogin has accepted an offer from the University of Tokyo to study Environmental Sciences. He is looking forward to integrating with Japanese society and understanding his Japanese culture better.
Curious about how your child can enjoy similar success in the IB Diploma Programme? Click here to find out more!
Global Indian International School,
SMART campus: 27 Punggol Field Walk, Singapore 828649, Tel: (+65) 6914 7100
GIIS East Coast campus: 82 Cheviot Hill, Singapore 459663, Tel: (+65) 6914 7000