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Wellbeing is More Than a Buzzword at GESS: New Wellbeing Centre & Programmes For All Students

GESS Student Wellbeing Centre - teacher and students
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Not-for-profit GESS – International School empowers students through initiatives that normalise seeking support plus they’re launching a new Student Wellbeing Centre in November!

Besides the latest gossip on celebrities and TikTok challenges, there’s another ‘trending’ topic — one with a lot more importance behind it that has led us to re-examine the state of society: mental health. After decades of seeing mental health as a taboo, the window has finally been pushed ajar to shed light on this topic that everyone (who’s willing to admit it) can relate to. A recent study has shown that 1 in 10 teens* suffer from a mental health disorder, so it’s very welcome that not-for-profit GESS – International School is taking student wellbeing seriously, starting from preschool. As part of a series of investments over the next five years, including a new Student Wellbeing Centre, homeroom teachers forming stronger bonds with their students and a school-wide culture of care and safety, GESS – International School places student wellbeing at the core of everything it does. After all, they know that children cannot develop optimally if any area of their health is impeded. 

New Counselling Programme & Child Protection Curriculum

GESS International School - Student Wellbeing Centre teacher
Image Credit: GESS – International School

While developing 21st century skills like technology, coding and robotics is important, a perfectly structured curriculum will go to waste if students lack the fundamental tools to manage their emotions and learn to ask for help when they need it. As a school that prioritises student wellbeing, GESS – International School empowers students through more initiatives that normalise seeking support and help, including workshops and activities for students and parents.

In addition to this, there will be a new Child Protection curriculum, where students will learn about respectful relationships, recognise and report harm or abuse and implement protective strategies for themselves and their peers. As a school that continually nurtures a warm community spirit, there will also be a multi-tiered system of support that will encourage parent engagement and empower them to play a key role in their child’s wellbeing.

Well-trained staff for enhanced student support

From the get-go, the passionate teachers at GESS – International School have always prioritised quality relationships with their students. To further enhance the teacher-student bond, the homeroom teachers will strive to form even stronger bonds with their students, so that students will ultimately see them as trusted adults who can recognise students who are struggling and redirect them to more specialised support when necessary.

In addition to a newly restructured Student Wellbeing department, there will be more regular training and workshops for all staff to teach them the fundamentals of student wellbeing through mindful and appropriate behaviour, as well as provide tools and strategies on how to handle specific situations and issues that may arise within and outside the classroom.

Purpose-built wellbeing space for emotional regulation

GESS International School - Student Wellbeing Centre spaces
Image Credit: GESS – International School

While a counselling programme, workshops and trained staff are essential to student wellbeing, sometimes students just need to step away from the hustle and bustle of their hectic schedules to breathe and self-regulate their emotions. To this end, the new Student Wellbeing Centre opening in November 2023 will feature calming wellbeing pods, where support sessions with school counsellors can take place in a quiet and private environment. Designed to be a soothing place, these wellbeing pods will help students feel at ease and hopefully melt away stress so they can better manage their daily lives.

So, if you’re looking for a school that actively prioritises student wellbeing to ensure your child’s holistic development, GESS – International School might just be the school for you. Get in touch with them for a tour or more information.

GESS – International School, 2 Dairy Farm Lane, Singapore 677621, [email protected],

*According to a study by the National University of Singapore earlier this year.

Brought to you in partnership with GESS - International School 

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