Frozen…now there is a word that will send parents running for cover! Only you can’t because you promised, in a moment of weakness to throw a party fit for Elsa, Anna, Olaf and the whole Arundel community! And now it’s looming and you are icy with fear that you won’t be able to pull off the faux snowflakes in sunny Singapore.
Well, never fear because firstly this is a trend that just won’t die, and our friends The Party Elves are full of ideas to help you chill-out and throw a super-cool Frozen party fit for the little princess or prince in your life!
Setting the Scene
Nothing says snow like a snowflake. Simple, cute and fun, these invitations (below) are a doddle to make and a delight to receive. You can even consider sending out a fun de-constructed snowflake set as a craft project to get tiny guests excited about what’s to come, and they will have to put it together to figure out the theme of the party! Include some sparkly sequins, feathers, ice drops and an instruction sheet (and of course don’t forget to include the details of the actual party!).
Entrance Door
Making a fabulous entrance for a Frozen party is key to give partygoers the sense that they are stepping into a magical world, so make sure you have a party entrance fit for Ice Queens. We absolutely love these simple garlands that you could have hanging in front of the door or entrance:
If you are throwing the party at home or a venue that has a proper door, something like either of these ideas would be lovely and easy to execute with some popsicle sticks or some babies’ breath flowers (head to Far East Flora fresh florist on Thompson Road to be sure of bagging babies’ breath!).
Goodie Bags
There are just so many great ideas out there for goodie bags!
Consider getting Pyssla beads from IKEA and putting a collection of blue and white ones in bags for the children to make their own snowflakes – word of caution, these beads are tiny, so not suitable for kids below 3 yrs. With DIY bags, make sure you pop in an instruction sheet to tie the whole thing together.
Keep within the cool theme and make your own Elsa scarves for everyone, and pack them in OLAF cups – Styrofoam cups can be purchased from SKP (many locations around Singapore). Fabric can be purchased from the lovely stores around Arab Street or Chinatown. Click here to see a great fleece scarf idea that you can use (and that same site has a whole heap of cool things for your Frozen party, not least some free printables and a great tutorial on how to cut snowflakes!).
A great edible goodie bag idea would be a ‘build-a-snowman’ kit with crackers and pretzel sticks and marshmallows! Great fun and yummy, too!
Let’s face it – we live in a hot country. So trying to do a cold theme party when everyone melts without moving a muscle is tough.
So, an indoor, air-conditioned room is essential – and also the easiest thing to achieve for a party like this. Turn the thermostat down low to really get things to freezing conditions.
Lots of blue, white, silver and sparkles is what you need when you think decorations. And of course lots of hanging will be involved so that you create the feeling of falling snow.
If you are planning your party close to December, take advantage of all the baubles on sale out there; get a bunch of cool colours and include them on the tables, dessert bar and anywhere you need a pop. The best thing about this is that you are also then sorted for Christmas tree décor. Bonus!
The easiest thing to do would be to make paper chains in white and hang these up everywhere to get into the mood. Another option is use cotton balls and fishing wire and string them up into a gorgeous curtain of snow.
Have a plain wall that you would love to cover? We found these delightful snowflake decals on Etsy – just stick them on.
Get some styrofoam and break it down to create soft white snow. Know that this will be a monster to clean up, but it will be worth it to have this on the tables and surfaces as freshly fallen snow.
Rosettes in silver blue and white paper work well, and so do white paper doilies without the fuss of trying your hand at cutting out a million snowflakes. If, however, you do decide you want to cut those snowflakes, there are quite a few templates and tutorials available online.
Of course if you don’t have the time to get into all these ideas, just print large life size pictures of the main characters, put out some ice shavings and LET IT GO.
Party Activities
For an awesome game for wannabe Elsas we love this frozen snow gloves tutorial. It is involved and there is a lot of room for customization and simplification, but we LOVE it
Can’t be bothered with making these? Just make some ribbon wands to get everyone in the mood.
Then introduce them to the challenge of building an ice palace. All you need is a bowl of large ice cubes, some gloves and get them building the tallest ice tower – definitely a challenge in our heat. Be sure to have lots of towels on hand to mop up the spills after the game before you move on.
For the really young members of the party, hire a ball pool and fill it with beanbag beans for a winter wonderland ball pit – though we have it on good authority that kids of all ages will enjoy this one!
Pair the children up, hand out rolls of toilet paper and ask, “Do you want to build a Snowman?” Let them wrap their partners into snowmen, time them and voila!, a game that will guarantee lots of squealing.
Snow ball treasure hunts are always great fun, especially if you have a garden to go crazy in, and this version can be done with ping pong balls! If you are like us and love the traditional games then good old pin-the-nose-on-the-snowman is always fun.
Party Food
Blue jelly anyone? This can be easily purchased from the supermarket or you can add food colouring and blueberries in your homemade versions. Of course, blue jelly beans and m&ms are all great contenders for the dessert table – so are these chocolate covered popcorn snowballs – though you could also use puffed rice and call them ice balls.
For real food, try your hand at snowman pizza and banana penguins and snowmen.
Put a little yoghurt in cups, stick in some carrots and olives and call it a melted snowman cup. Add some frozen grapes and cupcakes with blue icing and of course a cake fit for Elsa and you are done!
Of course, if all these ideas give you the chills you can always just call The Party Elves to handle everything for you – the cold never bothered them anyway!