Once a month Sassy Mama Asks The Experts your questions. Here, family lawyer Shu Mei Hoon covers the FAQs of divorce for local and expat women alike
Divorce is one of those tough topics that no one really wants to talk about (or maybe even think about), often until it’s too late. But even if your marriage is rock solid, mama, it doesn’t hurt to arm yourself with info so you know how divorce works in Singapore, whether you’re Singaporean or an expat (in which case Hague Convention laws could make it very tough to return with your kids to your home country, even if you wanted to). Perhaps you have a friend who could find this useful, even if you don’t.
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Family lawyer Shu Mei Hoon of leading Singaporean law firm Wong Partnership LLP takes us through all the facts of divorce, from what steps are required in legal proceedings, to how courts decide how much maintenance is owed. Watch the video above for Shu Mei’s answers to the following questions:
- What are the steps to get a divorce in Singapore? (:20)
- How does having children impact divorce proceedings? (1:00)
- What do I do if I’m an expat who’s lived in Singapore for less than three years? (1:28)
- What five conditions satisfy the court’s requirement to demonstrate a marriage has broken down? (2:05)
- How can I return to my home country with my kids? (3:12)
- What if my spouse won’t agree to letting me return to my home country? (4:38)
- What if my husband stops paying maintenance? (5:53)
- What recourse do I have if we’re not legally married but share a child or children? (6:55)
- What happens to my Dependant’s Pass (DP) if we get divorced, or my husband cancels it? (7:20)
- How do the courts divide assets? (8:38)
- What if my husband breaches a court-mandated maintenance order? (9:45)
- How is maintenance affected if I am the financial breadwinner? (10:35)
- If I’m thinking about divorce, what steps should I take to prepare financially, or in terms of evidence gathering? (11:05)
Read more:
Divorce in Singapore FAQs
How to break the news of divorce to your kids
How Play Therapy helped my daughter deal with the trauma of divorce