Mama Angelyn uses Valentine’s Day to show her children that love starts at home (with yummy snacks!)
We tell our children we love them every day without fail. We tell them it is good to love their friends, to have empathy and be kind to cute furry animals. We envelop them with our squeezy hugs, embrace them when they fall, cover them with a thousand kisses, smile with them in every milestone (big or small), act silly just to cheer them up and suddenly we realise that their little fingers are not so little anymore…
They hug with so much strength that we fall backwards. They kiss us so often (like a gazillion times) we feel like we are the most important person in the world. In a way, I like to think that we are, mamas! They grow up so fast as time ticks faithfully without fail. Their world gets bigger and our universe expands with so much happiness. Soon they step out from our cuddles to explore the beautiful unknowns. They are curious about everything and find joy in the unexpected.
We show them love starts at home. We create memories at every opportunity and laugh at the smallest things. This Valentine’s Day, I did just that. I spent a ‘sugar explosion Valentine’s Day’ with my children because they deserve all the love in the world, and it all starts from home…
Here are some simple and easy Valentine’s snack ideas you can do with your kids, any day of the year:
1. DON’T MELT MY HEART. You will only need strawberry yoghurt and half a strawberry for this simple dessert. Freeze yoghurt in small plastic cups for two hours. Take it out and place half a strawberry on top before serving.
2. SWEET LOVE. Use different sized heart shape cookie cutters to cut out plain bread. Spread some softened butter before sprinkling pink sugar on them.
3. CENTRE OF MY UNIVERSE. Cut a medley of fruits such as honeydew, rock melon, watermelon, pear and pineapple into cubes. Arrange red watermelon cubes so that they forms a heart shape in the centre.
4. SWEET BERRIES BURST. Blend a variety of cold berries, banana and some coconut water. Pour the smoothie into an empty coconut. Sprinkle some pomegranate on top. Pop the straw in and a cute tiny umbrella. That’s it!
Cheers mama to many more sweet memories with our little ones! Happy Valentine’s Day! –Angelyn Yii