Once a month Sassy Mama Asks The Experts your questions. Here, Eve Persak, MS RDN CNSC CSSD Nutritionist covers the FAQs that you, our readers posed to us regarding food allergies in kids
Eve Persak, MS RDN CNSC CSSD Nutritionist of Como Hotels and Resorts takes us through all your key concerns on food allergies in kids and babies. We look at what the likelihood of your child having a food allergy is if one parent already has an allergy; what you can do while your baby is still in your womb to help reduce the risk of allergies; and what probiotics or supplements are recommended.
We also let you know about the key symptoms of food allergies and when they present. We look at the latest research of when to introduce “allergy foods” like peanuts to your baby, and discuss whether or not your child can grow out of a food allergy.
Click here to see more in our Ask the Experts series!
We asked our readers to pose their questions on food allergies in kids (via our Facebook, Instagram or by emailing us at [email protected]). Here were your key concerns regarding allergies (and the timings of where to find the answers), answered by Eve Persak in our video above.
- Should breastfeeding mamas take probiotics or give babies probiotics to reduce allergies? (0:18)
- If so, what probiotics do you recommend? (2:04)
- If one parent has allergies, does this increase the risk of their child having an allergy? (2:10)
- What can you do to try and prevent food allergies in your child while pregnant? (3:18)
- When should you introduce allergy foods (like eggs, nuts and dairy) to your baby? (4:44)
- What are the key signs of an allergy? (5:47)
- Can you do anything to help your child grow out of a food allergy? (7:50)
Read more:
What You Need to Know About Peanut Allergies in Children
10 Tips for Overcoming Picky Eating in Kids