You’ve heard about the farm-to-table concept at restaurants, but what about in a school? Nexus shares their commitment to sustainability by installing solar panels, composting, and offering gardening CCA! We love how these authentic experiences nurture future eco advocates!
It’s more important than ever to practice and instil sustainability in all aspects of our lives. Especially for our kids! Nexus International School (Singapore) makes sure to walk the talk with their commitment to getting to carbon zero and zero waste, as part of Environment Social Governance (ESG) and to teach children how to attain these eco-conscious goals. At Nexus, UN Sustainable Goals are embedded into the curriculum and form the foundation in enabling learners to become globally responsible citizens.
At the heart of the sustainability movement at Nexus is Principal Lachlan MacKinnon, who has always had an interest in environmentalism. He has been integrating sustainable practices at all the schools that he’s run over the years, aiming to create a better environment for future generations. He was the go-to environmental consultant in a former school he taught at almost 30 years ago where his previous goal was to initiate bush regeneration in Australia which highly contrasts to the urban gardening that he’s looking at in the concrete jungle of Singapore. However, despite the change in location, he continues to enjoy witnessing the growths and cycles of plants and he hopes to welcome others on this journey.
Now at Nexus, Principal Lachlan aims to get more learners and teachers involved in eco-oriented activities and actions around the school providing opportunities for everyone to join together as a community to pursue green initiatives and take ownership of their actions.
A Mini Circular Economy
Nexus has been busy in the gardens. After reviving their gardens and introducing hydroponic plants, they’ve been thriving. The school has a CCA called The Green Guardians where learners tend to the gardens in the school, planting and harvesting produce including tomatoes, eggplants, spinach, basil, aloe vera, dill and much more. The produce that is grown is then partially used in the cafeteria and partially sold to the community to raise money to buy seeds and equipment.
The garden uses organic sources and zero pesticides, making all the produce healthy and good for the environment. The school is also in the process of implementing vermicomposting to reduce food scraps from the cafeteria. As a whole, Nexus is creating a mini circular economy as it heads towards a zero waste goal.
While observing and learning about biology and life cycles, learners also get to touch on entrepreneurship as they sell the produce to get equipment that helps to maintain the gardens. Win-win!
Real-life Learning Experiences Nurture Eco Advocates
In addition, Nexus has made more initiatives to reduce or reuse waste, including the installation of solar panels over the summer break which allows the school to use the energy generated to power the school. This eco-conscious journey is one that the school community is taking together and they’ve installed a variety of recycling bins, including specialised electronics, clothing and plastic bottle bins that add convenience for families to contribute to the eco-friendly cause.
These initiatives are valuable to Nexus learners as they are real-life, authentic learning experiences. These habits and lessons will follow them in life, allowing them to contribute as global citizens who take care of our planet. The Nexus community is continuously committed to leaving a green footprint!
Nexus offers the IB curriculum to children aged 3 to 18 years old, taking a holistic approach to learning that nurtures well-rounded and confident learners. Enrol your child in a school that is committed to looking after the Earth! Find out more by booking a tour or visiting Nexus at one of its upcoming Open Days on 30 September and 28 October 2023.
Nexus International School (Singapore), 1 Aljunied Walk, Singapore 387293, [email protected], Tel: (+65) 6536 6566, www.nexus.edu.sg