The question every mama to a preschooler is faced with: what to do with all the art projects the kids bring home? My son brings home at least one thing every day, sometimes more. Call me a mean mama, but there is no way we are keeping it all.
We have a space on his bookshelf to store pieces when they come home. When it starts looking too big, we go through the pieces together to cull them. Occasionally I secretly get rid of a few things when he’s not around, usually pieces that are old, damaged or just not very interesting (e.g. random scribbles on a page).
Then we decide which ones go up on the walls of his bedroom. To display art in his room, I put up a command hook at each end of a wall and tied a piece of string to the hooks. With mini wooden pegs from Daiso, we normally peg the art to the string, creating a washing line effect. In total there are four lines in his room (two lines on two walls) where he can display about 20-30 pieces at any one time.
We also mail things to relatives from time to time. He chooses what to send to his grandparents or cousins. And the trip to the post office is always exciting!
There are some clever apps available to help you keep a digital record of your little one’s artwork, without having to keep the originals. These help you to store, organise and share photos of the artwork.
Some of the different features available include sharing on social media (Art My Kid Made), uploading to create digital archives and albums (Keepy), creating keepsakes like coffee mugs (Canvasly) and printing photo books (Artkive).
With the end of the school year and school holidays upon us, expect an onslaught of artwork, mamas. Between physical and digital storage, there are plenty of ways to encourage your mini Picasso’s creativity without feeling like a hoarder in your own apartment!