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The Vein Centre

The Vein Centre, 38, Irrawaddy Road, #10-42 Mt. Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre Singapore 329663
(+65) 67330377

In this climate, and being in our mummy shorts ALL THE TIME, getting our leg veins sorted kind of feels like a necessity (what a FUN legacy of pregnancy, right?). Have that spidery thing going on mamas? Fear not, just give the people at the The Vein Centre a call. It’s where mamas-in-the-know get zapped by the skilled and friendly Dr. Imran Nawaz. The team over at the clinic will help you with general advice, appointment scheduling, liaising with your insurance company (yes, varicose veins are a medical condition!) and will even send you uplifting text messages after the procedure. This is a true one stop shop for all your vein problems!

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