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Hip Kids Club

Level 2, Forum Shopping Mall, 583 Orchard Road, Singapore 238884
(+65) 6732 2479

The Hip Kids Club playground is an indoor playground in the Forum Mall on Orchard. Join the “club” at the Information Counter on Level 2 ($15 for a one year membership). All the equipment is low to the ground and there is nothing (well perhaps maybe just the circus tent!) that Mama has to climb into. Complete with climbing frames, balance beams, a circus tent, ride on bikes, a slide, rubber floors and a ball pit this playground is perfect for toddlers.

Sassy Mama Tip: There are slightly weird opening hours given that the playground serves as Chiltern School’s official play space, so note that below are the available times for free play!

The Hip Kids Club Playground is open to members from 11am-1pm and 4:30pm-8pm, Monday to Friday. Weekends and Public Holidays the playground is open to members from 10:30am-1pm; 2pm-5pm and 6pm-8pm.

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