Need help getting your baby or toddler to sleep well? Here’s our ultimate guide to baby sleep experts in Singapore and those who do virtual sleep consultations
Sleep is a topic that weighs heavily on the minds of parents, often before babies are even born. Sure, it’s great to be prepared beforehand with sleep training strategies and to familarise yourself with the lingo (“cry it out” aka CIO or “Ferberizing”; co-sleeping; pick-up-put-down, etc.), but really you never know how you’ll feel until your baby is wailing its lungs out at 4am and you feel like you will never be yourself again.
Many parents in Singapore swear by sleep experts – both local and abroad – who take a variety of approaches and ideally tailor their advice to your family and your baby’s needs and behaviours. We’ve rounded up a list of sleep experts recommended by grateful mamas in Singapore, including some experts abroad who will help via virtual consultations. Scroll down for more!
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Baby Sleep Experts & Consultants in Singapore (+ those that do virtual consults)
Baby Sleep books we recommend
Baby Sleep Experts & Consultants in Singapore
Sleepy Bubba

Sleepy Bubba is made up of a team of certified baby sleep consultants who help babies sleep better with science-backed methods that respect your baby’s needs and your parenting instincts. They have successfully assisted over 600 families ensuring babies (and parents!) sleep better. Their personalised plans cater to newborns through toddlers and are tailored to each child and household’s unique needs, including virtual consultations, WhatsApp and Call support as well as future call support, and more.
Price: from $750.
Quote “SASSYMAMA5” to enjoy 5% off the Sleepy Bubba package (only for the comprehensive package)! Limited to the first 50 sign ups.
Sleepy Bubba, www.sleepybubba.com
Petite Dreamers Sleep Solutions
Louise Duncan of Petite Dreamers Sleep Solutions is recognised as a trusted paediatric sleep expert in Singapore. She is a natural when it comes to helping your baby or child sleep! She is the sparkle of hope, the beam of light, through some of the most challenging times as a sleep deprived parent. Louise is an expert at creating and implementing customised, easy to follow, sleep programs that teach your child to sleep through the night. Imagine, no more sleepless nights for you or your baby! Petite Dreamers offers a wide range of sleep coaching options, from 30-minute ‘Ask Me Anything’ calls to her full-support, comprehensive sleep and parenting package which includes up to 12 weeks of Phone, Email and WhatsApp support. The Petite Dreamers 4 Steps to Sleep Success approach has helped more than 1,500 families in Singapore since Louise made the switch from corporate life to become obsessed with infant and child sleep over six years ago.
Price: From $1,000 for a package which includes Preliminary Assessment, a 60 to 90-minute consultation, a Sleep Plan and 3 weeks of follow-up support. More information on her in-home visits and Zoom options can be found on her website.
Petite Dreamers Sleep Solutions, www.petitedreamers.com
Sleeping Bao

Everyone deserves a good night’s rest, but something so simple can be difficult when you have littlies at home who struggle to sleep well. Thanks to Sleeping Bao, you can say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to restful slumber with help from their expert sleep coaches. Founded by certified paediatric sleep consultant Alexandra Kwong, the caring team provides personalised guidance tailored to your child’s unique temperament and your parenting style. By using a compassionate approach, they will help you establish a solid foundation for healthy sleep habits to empower your child to sleep independently, so you too can get proper rest. Though they are based in Singapore, they also serve families worldwide through virtual consultations, ongoing support via WhatsApp, email and phone to provide a clear, step-by-step guidance. With their proven track record of success, it’s no wonder they receive glowing testimonials of satisfied, well-rested parents!
Quote SASSYBAO10 to get 10% off all Sleeping Bao service packages. Limited to the first 50 sign-ups.
Sleeping Bao, [email protected], Tel: (+65) 8393 9525 (WhatsApp only), sleepingbao.com
Our Little Chicks Sleep Solutions
Our Little Chicks Sleep Solutions’ certified paediatric sleep consultant, Lavinia Rajah, compassionately coaches parents in teaching their babies and children to sleep independently and well, and to be on a healthy routine for their age. Her style is to be clear, thorough and detailed. She advocates a gentle approach, and customises a plan for your child based on your child’s specific needs/temperament and then provides effective troubleshooting and support through the sleep training process. She also provides valuable guidance to navigate future sleep challenges to make sure your child remains an amazing sleeper. Lavinia’s many happy clients have posted over a hundred fabulous reviews on Facebook on their experience working with her (and we’ve seen her name come up plenty of times in local parenting Facebook groups too!).
Price: From $800 for a detailed and customised Sleep Plan for your child, 1-2 hour video consultation including inspection of your child’s sleep environment, plus 2 to 3 weeks of support. More information is on her website.
Our Little Chicks Sleep Solutions, Tel: (+65) 9765 0903 (WhatsApp only), [email protected], www.ourlittlechicks.com
Sleep Supernanny
Sleep Supernanny is based in Singapore but offers online sleep consultations worldwide. For clients based in Singapore, home sleep consultations are available as well. Zoe Chu from Sleep Supernanny believes in being kind, compassionate and encouraging to parents who are struggling with their child’s sleep issues. She offers customised sleep solutions that will suit you and your child. Just as every child is different, so is every parent. We love that she respects different parenting philosophies, allowing you to choose the methods that suit you best and giving you the freedom to go with your gut instinct as a parent. Zoe and her Dream Team have been turning ‘mombies’ into sleeping beauties since 2013 using a simple and highly effective 5-Step Sleep Baby Sleep program! Zoe is a mama herself, with four kids including a set of twins. She’s passionate about sleep and empowering tired and sleep deprived families to get back their precious sleep and sanity. They’ve got hundreds of success stories from parents with newborns, infants, toddlers and preschoolers.
Price: Comprehensive 1-1 packages start from $699 and includes thorough review of the sleep audit form, 90 mins online consultation, 30 days access to Sleep Baby Sleep Online Video Program and Master Sleep Library and follow up support with your sleep consultant.
Quote SASSYSUPERSLEEP for 5% off 1-1 consultations in the Lite, Super and VIP packages!
Sleep Supernanny, www.sleepsupernanny.com
Baby Sleep Fairy
Tammy Fontana, MS, NCC CTRT, clinical sex therapist USA, Hypnotherapist Croatia is a clinically based sleep solutions expert providing help to families in Singapore for the past two decades. With Baby Sleep Fairy you can look forward to comprehensive and effective assistance, with lifetime access to their portal for ongoing support. You can rest assured that you’ll get plenty of WhatsApp support after completing the sleep training. Consultations continue to be made available after completing the training as well.
Price: From $100 for access to effective sleep solutions that have helped over a 1,000 parents.
Baby Sleep Fairy, mynewbeginningsclub.com/babysleepfairy-sleep-correction-information
Sharanya V – Nest & Thrive
Sharanya V is a young mother of two, a Trained Mental Health Counsellor, Certified Paediatric Sleep Consultant and Early Parenting Coach. She specialises in Mental Wellness and Paediatric Sleep helping young parents ‘stop surviving start thriving’ in their early parenting days. She strives to help families form structure, predictability, and happiness for every single family member. Sharanya works with mothers of any stage who need mental health support alongside a system that can stabilize themselves (mentally and emotionally); brand new parents who lack support, knowledge and understanding of what is required during the early stages of parenting; and even experienced parents who seek happiness and stability. Sharanya provides Paediatric Sleep Coaching (2-week program) alongside other services such as counselling and new mum coaching.
Sharanya V – Nest & Thrive, [email protected], Tel: (+65) 9781 0187, sharanyav.com
Angela is a paediatric sleep consultant from UpChild Sleep and communication Solutions. She helps and guides parents in teaching their babies and children to set good sleep habits from young. She’s there to hold your hand from start to the end with prompt response. She makes sure that when the program finishes after two weeks, parents can feel confident about their kids’ sleep and have the freedom to experience ‘me’ time again. She advocates a gentle approach, and customises a plan for your child based on your child’s specific needs and temperament and also takes your parenting and life styles into account. She also coaches parents with potty training and teaches the Baby Signs program both over Zoom and in person. With her experience and dedication in this field, she can help parents achieve the goals to get the quality rest the whole family deserves.
Price: From $800 for a detailed and customised Sleep Plan for your child, consultation and preparation work, followed by 2 weeks of full support via WhatsApp and phone calls. You can opt to have her by your side on the very first night in your house to guide you through.
Quote SASSYMAMA to get 5% off sleep packages with follow up support!
UpChild, Tel: (+65) 9795 7367, [email protected], upchild.solutions/sleep
Anahita Bhatia
Anahita Bhatia comes highly recommended in local Facebook parenting groups for her holistic approach to sleep coaching.
Price: From $90 for a one-off 60-minute Sleep Consult
Anahita Bhatia, anahitabhatia.com/sleep-coaching
Blissful Bubbies
With an emphasis on realtime support and feedback, this gentle approach from a registered nurse in Australia is all about tailoring a program to suit each parent and baby’s needs. With either Skype or email consultations, you can look forward to a detailed sleep plan strategy to follow, mama!
Price: Packages start with a one-hour Skype consultation.
Blissful Bubbies, [email protected], www.blissfulbubbies.com.au
Rested Nest
This new baby sleep consultant has been conducting online webinars about sleep recently, and also offers 1-on-1 sleep coaching for families for young children.
Rested Nest, [email protected], www.facebook.com/restednest
Sleep Solutions for Babies
Jacki Roche is a registered midwife and qualified health visitor from the UK with many years’ experience dealing with a wide range of babies. A quick tour of parenting groups like Stork’s Nest Singapore reveals legions of grateful mama fans. She generally advises waiting till babies are about six months old to begin sleep training, but contact her for more personalised feedback. She’s now based in the UK, but offers virtual consultations.
Price: Contact for more info.
Sleep Solutions for Babies, [email protected], www.facebook.com/SleepSolutionsForBabies
Baby sleep books we recommend
There are also reams of books out there advocating different sleep approaches. A few we’d recommend (and have downloaded to our Kindles in desperation at 2am) include:
The Baby Sleep Book by Dr. William Sears
The Complete Sleep Guide for Contented Babies and Toddlers by Gina Ford
The Happiest Baby on the Block by Dr. Harvey Karp
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Dr. Marc Weissbluth
The No-Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley
Save Our Sleep by Tizzie Hall
The Sleep Lady’s Good Night, Sleep Tight by Kim West with Joanne Kenen
Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems by Dr. Richard Ferber
We know it’s not particularly uplifting to hear this when you’re in the thick of things, but we promise: you will get through this! Here’s to many, many restful nights…