Before I had my son, I was a bit of a gym junkie. There weren’t many nights that I couldn’t be found pounding it out on the treadmill, or sweating it out in a step class. Since becoming a mama, I rarely have the time or inclination to want to spend every evening in the gym. So you can imagine my excitement when I was invited along to try an OzFit class — outdoor exercise in the grassy surrounds of the Botanic Gardens… I’m so there!
What is OzFit?
OzFit is basically an outdoor training programme. Held at various locations around the island, exercise bunnies tie up their laces and get moving each and every week, running, jumping and crunching their way through the park — and early in the morning too we might add (some classes start at 6:15am)!
Spurred on by the motivation to try something new, I went along to an early morning SheFit class — a women only class at Singapore Botanic Gardens. After dropping my son at preschool, I made my way down to the gardens to be greeted by a friendly bunch of ladies, and the warning by my instructor that “you may feel dizzy”… Ahhh alrightly!
Getting straight onto the grass, the next hour was spent running, crawling, pushing, pulling and sweating my way through push ups, running circuits, hill climbs, ab crunches, and even crawling on hands and knees up grassy hills! There were squats, lunges, side twists, and planks, with plenty of breaks to catch my breath (something this mama definitely needed to do!). Whilst it may sound like hard work – which it essentially is – exercising as part of a group was a great way to keep motivated, the general camaraderie involved in a class like this kept me going and was a nice way to spend time with fellow fitness enthusiasts.
The final verdict
It was lovely trying something different from my usual routine, though while working out I did think longingly of the gym (air conditioning I love you!). By 9am the heat and humidity at the Botanic Gardens was pretty draining. Mamas who are just returning to exercise post-baby, or who don’t generally do any exercise, will find it tough going — I walk 8kms, 3-4 times per week (whilst pushing a 20kg preschooler in a pram!) and still found the workout gruelling.
If you’ve got a good base level of fitness however and love to exercise outdoors in the Singapore weather — then sign up mama, you’ll love it! Now drop and give me twenty…
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