This Singapore preschool has a lot more than a cute name: from state-of-the-art facilities to a tailor-made curriculum, Little Paddington is a delight for children and mamas alike
What preschooler doesn’t love a certain duffel coated bear with impeccable manners and a penchant for marmalade? We think Little Paddington Preschools are totally onto something, mama, although there’s a lot more to this holistic preschool than just a super cute name – it’s also got outstanding facilities, topnotch teachers, and a unique curriculum that sets it apart from other preschools in Singapore.
Little Paddington truly believes that children are competent thinkers and communicators. Learning is their journey, and the school is happy to facilitate through project-based work and a real dedication to learning by doing. It’s all done in the name of letting children navigate and allowing them to struggle and seek out their own solutions through the course of their learning journey.
Of course, teachers are there to provide support every step of the way, whether in their innovative Mandarin programme, facilitating dramatic play, or any other facet of the learning journey.
Little Paddington’s approach incorporates internationally-acclaimed teaching techniques including the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Montessori, and Reggio-Emilia. Realizing that each child is different, the curriculum is very much tailored to individual needs and strengths.
At the heart of this learning journey are Little Paddington’s amazing ateliers, including:
- The Science Atelier where children are actually guided on explorations within the setting of a children’s laboratory. Robotics, engineering and environmentalism are just some of the cool topics covered in this dynamic space.
- The United Nations Atelier where they learn to celebrate globalism and intercultural understanding through everything from food to arts & crafts projects
- Creative Ateliers that incorporate arts, crafts, music dance and cookery that both encourage creative development and enhance perceptual, cognitive, language and social skills
- Outdoor Learning Experiences that help little ones master their emerging physical skills. These lucky kiddos are in for some truly amazing experiences, mama, with a petting zoo, amphitheatre, herb and rock garden, and mini golf in addition to traditional staples like sand and water play. This is truly experiential learning at its finest!
Little Paddington offers this state-of-the-art learning environment at both of its two campuses at Turf Club Road in Bukit Timah and at Jalan Tani in Hougang/Kovan. These learning spaces are specifically designed for children to foster a deep relationship with the natural world while also engaging in balanced learning across academics, the arts and sports. It doesn’t hurt that both campuses are super convenient to public transport and located in warm, inviting residential communities!
So give them a look, mama! We can’t promise any marmalade sandwiches but we do think you’ll find a warm, inviting, and engaging environment for your littles, and what more could you really ask for in a preschool?
Little Paddington Preschool
236 Turf Club Road, Singapore 287985, Tel: (+65) 9649 5801
4 Jalan Tani, Singapore 548542, Tel: (+65) 6280 3007