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Therapy Centre The Growing Academy Teaches Kids Kindness Through Animal Shelter Charity Work

The Growing Academy OSCAS
LearnPost Category - LearnLearnFamily LifePost Category - Family LifeFamily Life

Early intervention specialists The Growing Academy offers support to children with needs – nurturing them to develop holistically. Their work with OSCAS animal shelter teaches kids important values around responsibility and kindness.

So much of Singapore’s education is centred around achieving high marks on exams, attending a prestigious school and pursuing a reputable career. But how does this truly help our kids be equipped to be citizens of the world and tackle societal issues head-on when all they know is how to memorise answers and score well for an exam? The Growing Academy takes a step beyond helping kids with their early intervention programme and therapies. They teach kids the importance of having good values and helping those in need by involving kids in their support of Oasis Second Chance Animal Shelter (OSCAS) – a non-profit dog shelter devoted to caring for rescued Singapore Specials.

Kids at The Growing Academy get involved with charity

the growing academy kids baking cookies

Little ones at The Growing Academy learn how to bake cookies to feed the abandoned stray dogs at OSCAS, which ultimately helps to instil a sense of responsibility and empathy for these needy puppies and dogs. Since these early years are foundational to a child’s character development, teachers intentionally create learning opportunities to nurture the little ones’ love for abandoned animals and their surrounding community.

Kids learn to give back through donation drives

Though it’s natural for toddlers to be self-centred, it’s crucial to model what it looks like to care for others, show kindness and lend a helping hand to those in need. That’s why the experienced teachers and therapists at The Growing Academy help kids organise donation drives as an opportunity to learn the importance of giving back. Whether it’s donating their pre-loved toys and clothes for needy children or cans of dog food and dog toys for the pups at OSCAS, kids will develop selflessness and learn to care for others.

the growing academy

To create kids of the future who look beyond themselves, kids get to develop practical skills to help create a better place for the community. Though efforts such as helping to clean the shelter or visiting the goat farm to feed goats might seem like insignificant tasks, these experiences ultimately nurture little ‘community helpers’, and isn’t that truly something our world needs more of?

The Growing Academy, Tel: (+65) 9424 1961,

Brought to you in partnership with The Growing Academy

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