A 3-part webinar series to learn how to declutter and organise your wardrobe, and maintain it organised
Is your wardrobe over-spilling with clothes yet you keep buying more because you feel you have nothing to wear? Do you waste time getting dressed and often run late? Or do you end up wearing the same clothes over and over again because you can’t find what you want in your closet?
Maybe you’ve already tried to organise your wardrobe, only to find out that it was difficult to let go of those clothes that might fit again or that you’d spent a lot of money on, or to keep your wardrobe organised in the long run. Or perhaps you’ve put it off altogether, because you weren’t clear on where, or how, to begin, or what to do with those clothes you wouldn’t be keeping.
Join me in this 3-part webinar series where you’ll receive inspiration, guidance and tools and learn how to declutter and organise your wardrobe, and maintain it organised, so that you can:
- Easily put an outfit together
- Hit the ground running in the morning
- Make use of the clothes in your closet instead of hitting the shops
- Gain in confidence by wearing clothes that fit and make you feel good.
Part 1: DECLUTTER Your Wardrobe
A step-by-step process to confidently declutter your wardrobe without regretting any decisions so you’ll have a wardrobe full of clothes you’ll wear and will make you feel empowered.
You’ll get to learn a comprehensive series of questions, beyond Marie Kondo’s spark joy criteria, to help you decide what to keep and a list of avenues in Singapore to responsibly dispose of your castaways.
Part 2: ORGANISE Your Wardrobe
In the second part of the series, you’ll learn how to organise your wardrobe in a functional yet aesthetically pleasing manner so you can find what you want when you need it and feel compelled to shop your wardrobe instead of hitting the shops.
We’ll go through various storage options not only for clothes but also for shoes, handbags, jewellery, lingerie, scarves and belts.
Part 3: MAINTAIN Your Wardrobe ORGANISED
I understand how frustrating it is when you’ve spent considerable time and efforts to declutter and organise your wardrobe to witness chaos quickly finding its way back.
In the last part of this series, you’ll be exposed to systems and habits that will allow you to maintain your wardrobe clutter-free and organised in the long run.
Part 1: DECLUTTER Your Wardrobe: Sat 9th May 2020 2-3pm
Part 2: ORGANISE Your Wardrobe: Sat 16th May 2020 2-3pm
Part 3: MAINTAIN Your Wardrobe ORGANISED: Sat 23rd May 2020 2-3pm