We have been told forever that there are no short cuts to fab abs, that you can’t burn fat in specific areas and that you need to be patient and work out a lot to lose those wobbly bits we’re all carrying around. This usually results in mamas overdoing it, perhaps ending up with injuries, and with bums and tums looking exactly as before, because any fat loss came off the boobs. Been there, done that and still don’t fit into the t-shirt?
Here is the seriously good news. You can target specific fat deposits on your body and make sure you lose inches where you need to. It’s called the HYPOXI method and totally works. (We’re guessing this must be the OPPOSITE of what kids feel like when they realize that Santa was just a big scam.)
The HYPOXI method is a low intensity exercise regime that works by increasing blood flow to your problem areas — you know which ones. The theory is that fat burns more readily in areas with high blood supply and by increasing the blood flow to the areas you want to target; the result is increased fat and inch loss in those areas!
And more importantly, who has time to be patient when there are Christmas party frocks to fit into?
A typical HYPOXI programme consists of 12 sessions over 4 weeks and promises a decrease in waist/hip/bum (depending on what you’re targeting) circumference of at least 5-8 cm. You in turn need to show up at your weekly sessions (obviously) not eat more than usual and avoid carbs directly after a session. But let’s cut to the chase. Does it work?
One of our very own Sassy Mamas wanted to tighten up her tum and decided to put HYPOXI to a test. The studio itself is centrally located in a lovely shop house and manned by a group of smiling ladies, who can be strict when needed… trust us. The sessions are tiring without being strenuous with 30-40 minutes walking on a treadmill or leisurely biking away in a bike machine. Prepare to get warm though mama – remember, the heat does the work for you. After only 6 sessions we had enough proof: 3cm slimmer around the waistline – pretty impressive! One of the other clients we talked to had lost 40cm – that is crazy! And no, it is not from dehydration because they keep pointing out how important it is to drink, drink and drink.
If it’s that good why haven’t I heard about it before? Well, you heard about it now and it’s not our fault if you don’t get your first session booked in.
Pssst… If you call them now and book 12 sessions (over 4 weeks) you get 3 free sessions! That’s an extra free week in the studio worth over $300!
HYPOXI Studio, 22 Lorong Telok, #02-01, Singapore 049034
Tel:(+65) 6536 3080
[email protected]