Getting your baby a passport in Singapore is a doddle with our easy-to-follow guide! Here’s how to apply for your baby’s passport for your country from Singapore
Applying for your baby’s passport isn’t as scary as you might think, mama! We’ve done all the digging and trawled through all the embassy jargon for you – that said, things are always subject to change so make sure you do your own research just in case. We’ve included Singapore’s largest English-speaking populations, but apologies if your country isn’t listed below. Just a note on passport photos – make sure you know the correct size and requirements required for your country!
Here’s to happy travels with that brand new passport for the little ones…
United Kingdom
Is my child eligible for a Singaporean passport?
If one or both parents are Singaporean, and the child was born in Singapore, then yes. (Children born abroad with at least one Singaporean parent are also eligible.)
What do I need to apply for?
Just the passport. However you have a few options, you can either do it via post or online.
What do I need?
- Identity Card number, Birth Certificate number or Citizenship Certificate number
- A recent passport colour photograph (35mm x 45mm) or 400 x 514 pixels: for online passport submission) taken against a white background (photo guidelines available here)
- Passport expiry date for a current Singapore passport if you are renewing the passport
- S$70 for online or post applications
For applications by post/deposit, you have to either mail your application form and photograph to Passports Unit, Citizen Services Centre, Level 2, ICA Building, 10 Kallang Road, Singapore 208718 or drop it off in the deposit box outside of the ICA Building. For an online application, simply visit the application page here. For all of these processes however, you’ll get a letter in the post stating when your passport is available for collection.
What about National Service?
All male Singaporean citizens (including those born abroad), as well as male sons of PR-holders, are required to do National Service. The only ways we’ve heard about getting around this involve leaving Singapore and never coming back again — and who would want to do that?
Is my child eligible?
If either you or your partner are recognised as a bonafide Aussie citizen, then your child qualifies for an Australian passport.
What do I need to apply for?
On top of a regular passport application, you’ll have to fill out a form to qualify your baby as an Australian citizen by descent first. This form can now be submitted online (or physically, based on your convenience).
What do I need to bring to my appointment?
Here’s a quick list of everything below that you’ll need for both appointments. Tip: there’s a photo booth at the Australian High Commission in case you don’t have the time to sort one out at home!
Australian Citizen by Descent
Children born outside Australia to at least one Australian citizen parent may be eligible under the Australian Citizenship Act to be registered as an Australian Citizen by Descent (CBD). Applications for CBD can now be lodged online (hurrah!). To make an online application, visit this link. Should you prefer to lodge a paper application in person, head to the Australian Visa Application Centre (AVAC) but note that you will incur a service fee in addition to the Visa Application Charge.
- Passport fees are all broken down here.
- One endorsed colour passport sized photographs of the applicant
- Applicant’s birth certificate listing details of natural parents (original and copy, or a notarised* copy of the original – if providing the original, it will be returned to you with the citizenship certificate).
- Personal identification page(s) of passports (i.e.: name, date of birth, passport number, validity and signature page) in colour for both parents.
- Both parents’ Singapore Identity Card (if applicable)
- For parents who obtained Citizenship by Descent, the Extract Certificate from Register of Australian Citizenship by Descent or an Australian passport issued after 22/11/1984, for parents who obtained Australian citizenship by grant, the original certificate or an Australian passport issued after 22/11/1984.
- Marriage certificate for parents (if applicable)
- If any person has had a legal change of name, the document showing the name change (e.g. marriage certificate or change of name certificate).
We found this catch-all landing page for children’s passports to be the most helpful!
Passport Appointment
Next, get an appointment and head to the embassy. Note: You must book an appointment before you head to the embassy. Here’s what you will need to carry with you to your appointment.
- The completed and signed Australian Passport Overseas Application form.
- The child’s most recent Australian passport, if applicable.
- Proof of the child’s citizenship and birth certificate.
- Two passport photos.
- Additional documents if any.
- Proof of your own identity that has a photo and signature. If you have an Australian passport, do bring that along.
- Proof of your address in Singapore.
- A Visa or Mastercard to pay the fee. Please click here for fees.
You’ll then have to wait about a minimum of 6 weeks to get your passport sent back to you. Passports will be delivered by Singapore Registered Mail to a local address, free of charge!
So you want to get your little one a Canadian passport, eh? There’s a bit more documentation to fill out here, plus you’ll have to find an eligible guarantor (it’s apparently easier if you choose somebody who’s also Canadian), but after that you just need to shoot over to the High Commission of Canada at One George Street.
Is my child eligible for a Canadian passport?
This one’s a little tricky – either you or your partner has to have been born in Canada or have been naturalised before your kiddo was born. If you were adopted and born outside of Canada, unfortunately the only way your child can successfully get a passport is if you’re married to somebody born in Canada.
What do I need to apply for?
You just have to apply for a passport as the Canadian government will recognise foreign birth certificates, so long as they’re in English or French. There is a guarantor application form that you have to fill out and submit in conjunction with the passport though, but that’s pretty straightforward.
What do I need to bring to my appointment?
- A fully completed application form
- Proof of your child’s Canadian citizenship (Need to apply for a citizenship certificate that costs 75 Canadian dollars, the processing time is 17 months) The certificate must be the original document.
- Two identical passport photos (50mm x 70mm). The name and address of the photographer and the date the photos were taken must be included on the back of one of the photos. One photo must be signed by the guarantor (someone who’s known you personally for two years and knows the child). Get more information on the full photo requirements here.
- Parent’s proof of Canadian citizenship (original only), it’ll be returned to you
- Proof of parentage or legal guardianship
- Supporting documentation if updating the gender identifier
- Find out how much the fees are by clicking here.
If you’ve got any documentation that’s not in English or French, you’ll have to get a verified translation of it as well. After that, head to the High Commission of Canada on One George Street (check the opening hours here!). You can choose how long you are willing to wait for the passport, with additional fees to expedite the processing time. (2 business days, 3 to 45 business days or 46 business days or more)
Applying for your newborn’s Indian passport is a pretty streamlined process, with the actual passport form being the only real piece of ‘scary’ form-filling that you have to complete. However, it is slightly different in that you don’t actually apply at the High Commission of India itself, but head on over to two Passport Application centres – either at International Plaza or Sim Lim Tower. You need to book an appointment online before heading over. If you intend to apply under the Tatkaal (emergency) category with expedited processing, then no appointment is needed.
Is my child eligible?
If both you and your partner happen to possess an Indian passport, you’re on the right track.
Apply here before you go for an appointment.
What do I need to bring to my appointment?
- One coloured passport photograph (2 x 2 inches)
- A filled out passport application form with your child’s thumbprint (left for a boy, right for a girl) in the designated section
- *S$71 in cash only. S$272 for Tatkaal (emergency expedited) service.
- Indian passports of the child’s parents
- A copy of the child’s birth certificate
It’ll take about 10-12 working days to process everything. You’ll have to roll over to one of two Passport Application centres and the submission of documents can only be done from Monday to Friday, 9am to 3.45pm.
Looking to get your newborn a passport from across the border? You’ll want to head on over to the High Commission of Malaysia over on Jervois Road to get them a swanky Malaysian e-Passport.
Is my child eligible?
If your child hasn’t been registered as a Singaporean Citizen and you remember to apply for the passport within a year of your child being born, your child stands a good chance whether they’re adopted or not. Under Malaysia’s rules the baby automatically qualifies for Malaysian citizenship if the father is a Malaysian citizen (even if the mother is a foreigner), but this rule is not applicable if the mother is a Malaysian woman married to a foreigner.
What do I need to apply for?
To score your kiddo a Malaysian passport, you’re going to need a few things. If your tot was born in Singapore and has a Singaporean birth certificate, then you’ll need to fill out a Borang H or I. You’ll need to email the Consular Department at [email protected] for Borang H or I application procedure and you’ll need to collect the form(s) in-person. On top of that, you’ll have to register your child as a Malaysian Citizen in Singapore using a form called the Malaysia Citizens in Singapore Registration form. After that, you’ll be all good to go in for your passport application.
What do I need to bring to my appointment?
For the Malaysia Passport Application Appointment you’ll need:
- Child’s Singapore birth certificate
- Borang H or Borang I
- Child’s Singapore citizenship certificate or pass issued by Singapore
- Both parent’s MyKad or Passport for Malaysia citizen parent
- Both parents’ Singapore PR identity card or pass issued either by MOM or ICA, Singapore
- Form K or Annex A AND Singapore identity card of renounced Malaysia citizenship parent
- (Encouraged to bring for those below 4 years old) Three recent photographs of the infant (35mm x 50mm photo with a WHITE background without a shadow)
- A registration fee of S$32
Note: All your photocopies need to be on A4 pieces of paper and foreign documents need to be translated into English by appropriate commissions and consulates.
You can submit all the above items at the consulate between Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm, closed on Malaysian and Singaporean public holidays. After that, you can just scoot on back over to grab the Borang H or I after three working days.
Looking to get your child a UK Passport? If you’ve been following the news recently, you may have noticed that there’s been a pretty ridiculous mix up with the system in that overseas passport applications take a really long time to process now. Everything’s done totally online, so take a little look below to see how to get it all done…
Is my child eligible for a British passport?
If either you or your partner are British ‘not by descent’, meaning that they were able to obtain British citizenship either on their own or they were born in Britain, then your child will be able to become a British citizen ‘by descent’ which however means that their children might not qualify for citizenship. Don’t worry, we had to google all the jargon too; this site has a complex but fairly comprehensive breakdown of all the rules and definitions.
What do I need to apply for?
Just your passport, woohoo!
What do I need to bring to my appointment?
You don’t actually go in person to an appointment, everything’s processed online which makes squeezing in time a little easier. There are some things you’ll need before you start the online application process, however:
- a digital photo of your child (or a device that takes digital photos). Must be at least 600 pixels wide and 750 pixels tall. At least 50KB and no more than 10MB. More info here.
- supporting documents (parent’s details including name, date and place of birth, nationality, UK passport details, date of marriage or civil partnership if applicable)
- a credit or debit card. It costs £56 for a child. Plus a £19.86 courier fee.
After that, you’ll have to head over to this application website to begin the whole process. It takes at least 13 weeks (first child UK passport) or very likely more due to huge HMPO delays currently. For more information, check out the overseas applications page here.
If you’re looking to get the kids a passport from the USA, you’re going to have to shimmy on down to the Embassy of the United States Singapore for an appointment. Before booking an appointment however, there are a couple of things you’ll need to bring or remember below:
Is my child eligible?
If either you or your partner are US citizens, your biological child is eligible for American citizenship. Unfortunately, the short answer is that obtaining a passport abroad for adopted children isn’t possible (there are exceptions, however).
What do I need to apply for?
There are a few things you need to apply for. The first is a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA), which sounds scary but is really just a certificate stating that your little one was born to a US citizen overseas. You can’t get a passport without it, the details can be found here. Secondly, fill out this form here for the actual passport application itself and this form if one parent is not a US citizen or the US citizen parent is not present during application. Both US citizen parents should go for the appointment, otherwise they need to need to fill up this form (if one US parent cannot come) and this form (if both US parents cannot go). And finally, there’s a Social Security Card application here.
Obviously, you’ve also got to sign up for an appointment and you can do that through the online booking system.
What do I need to bring to my appointment?
You’re going to need to bring both the originals, a copy and an English translation of the following documents:
- Form DS-11
- CRBA form (original or certified, physical copy)
- An original birth certificate of the child issued in Singapore. Parents need to bring their US/foreign birth certificate too.
- Photocopy of U.S. citizenship evidence
- Document showing the parental relationship: Parents’ U.S. passport/certificate of naturalisation/certificate of citizenship
- Present ID and photocopy ID
- Forms DS-5525 to 3053 if one or both parents cannot make it for the appt
- Photograph (2×2 inches, head must be 1 to 1 3/8 inches from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head.
- Evidence of a parent(s)’ citizenship and identity, i.e. a passport or even naturalisation/birth certificates with some form of photo identification (two copies)
- Check out the fee breakdown here. Credit card payment will be charged in USD. But by cash, only Singapore dollars will be accepted.
More info here. Bring all these things to your allocated appointment and you’re done. The processing time is 8 to 11 weeks.
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