Finding your balance between family, work and personal time is hard (we know!), but Mom in Balance can help get your energy levels up throughout pregnancy and beyond!
Being pregnant doesn’t mean you have to settle for feeling sluggish and overwhelmed, mama! In fact, working out during pregnancy is a great way to keep body and mind fit and healthy! You just have to be a little more mindful of the changes happening to your body and tweak your regular routines, which is where Mom in Balance can help big time with their outdoor workout programmes for mamas and mamas-to-be!
Little ones require a lot of attention, as does pretty much everything else in your busy life. What you need is energy to keep up with it all! The mission behind the Mom in Balance workout programme is to help mamas feel physically strong and reinvigorated so they can better enjoy motherhood (and take on the world!) It’s not a gym or a club, it’s a concept: you should feel comfortable in your own body!
Mom in Balance has got your back (and bump) with a team of motivated and enthusiastic trainers, as well as other active mamas. They’re certified in prenatal and postnatal fitness who know which exercises to do or not do, like avoiding forward lunges after the first trimester due to the pressure it puts on your pelvic girdle. Annika, mama of a four month-old little girl, agrees that staying active and getting the right help during pregnancy is super important:
“I am so glad I found Mom in Balance Singapore! I could not have imagined being a couch potato during my pregnancy, but was worried about safety of exercise. Mom in Balance offered just what I was looking for and helped me stay fit throughout the pregnancy as well as getting back in shape after the delivery in a healthy way. I love that the workouts are scalable to suit the different fitness levels and that I can now progress to the Mom in Shape group to continue my fitness journey!”
The workouts are developed by experts in prenatal and postnatal fitness so you can safely stay in shape throughout your pregnancy and following bub’s arrival! Choose from three different fitness programmes – Pregnant, Back in Shape and Mom in Shape – to customise your Mom in Balance experience to the exercise goals you currently need. Then, meet the crew at either the Botanic Gardens, East Coast Park or Watten Park Bukit Timah to get your sweat on!
Not only will you get your energy levels up and strengthen that core, you’ll meet a friendly community of women who all motivate each other to stay happy and healthy! Just take it from Nicky – a mama with one kiddo who is having a blast with her Mom in Balance experience:
“I love Mom in Balance! The instructors are fun and knowledgeable. The workouts make you feel great, it’s a fab way to meet other mums and have a little bit of time for yourself. All the exercises have different options so you can work at the level you feel comfortable.”
Join the Mom in Balance tribe of fit and fab mamas with a FREE trial session for all Sassy Mamas – just choose “Sassy Mama” from the drop down box! What’s more, if you sign up for a three month Pregnancy or Back in Shape membership, you’ll receive a special Mom in Balance bag, band and book.
Mom in Balance is really about learning to listen to your body a little better and giving yourself some extra TLC to truly feel at the top of your game…someone’s gotta keep up with those active tots!
Mom in Balance, [email protected], Tel: (+65) 9169 5497, www.mominbalance.com/singapore/en/