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3 Easy Mid-Autumn Festival Crafts for Kids

Mid-Autumn Festival moon cake festival
PlayPost Category - PlayPlay - Post Category - Arts & CraftsArts & Crafts

Celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with your kids by getting crafty with these easy arts & crafts ideas Make playdough mooncakes, mooncake art prints and paper lanterns

Now that you’ve chosen your mooncakes and are all up to speed on the meaning of the Mid-Autumn Festival, it’s time to get your kids into the spirit of this traditional festival, too! Get the arts and crafts out (art supplies here) and settle in for an afternoon of fun Mid-Autumn Festival arts & crafts.

3 Easy Mid-Autumn Festival Crafts for Kids:

1. Make Playdough Mooncakes

What You’ll Need:
– Coloured playdough (store bought or make at home with our super quick no-cook recipe here.
– Mooncake mould (available at traditional stores in wood or in plastic at baking stores like Phoon Huat for around $10)

Mooncake mould + playdough = homemade playdough mooncakes

What to do:
Let your kids use your mooncake mould to make their own playdough mooncakes.

It’s fun if you have different coloured playdough to use — and if it’s homemade you won’t worry too much if the kids make different coloured “lotus paste” centres and it all ends up like one brown splodge in the end (as now you know how simple and cheap it is to make more!).

Read more: Super quick no-cook playdough recipe.

2. Mooncake Art Prints

What You’ll Need:
– Mooncake mould (available at traditional stores in wood or in plastic at baking stores like Phoon Huat)
– Paints and paintbrushes
– Paper

Getting ready for mooncake print art

What to do:
1. Use your paintbrush to paint the mooncake moulds different colours. Use a different paint for each stamp so you get a fun array of patterns and colours.

2. Stamp the moulds onto your paper – get the kids to push down hard to leave a mark!

3. Craft Paper Lanterns

What You’ll Need:
– A4 sized coloured papers
– Scissors
– Glue or Tape
– Ruler
– Materials for decorating (e.g. sequins, glitter glue etc;)

What to do:
Step 1: On the shorter end of your paper, measure and cut off a 2cm strip. Put the strip aside as we will need it again at a later step.

Step 2: Fold the paper into half. Once that’s done, mark out a 2cm margin from the top of the fold before drawing in lines (1.5cm apart) straight down.

Step 3: Cut through the various lines that you have marked out, be careful not to cut past the 2cm margin.

Step 4: Unfold your paper and tape or glue the two ends together to form the shape of your lantern.

Step 5: Decorate! You can take a different coloured paper to add fringe trimmings to your lantern. All you have to do is to cut  2cm and 4cm strips from a coloured paper of your choice and cut little snips down one side of the strip. Paste the 2cm strip on the top of your lantern and the 4cm at the bottom. You can also use glitter glues and sequins to add a little sparkle to your lantern.

Step 6. To form the handle of your lantern, take the 2cm strip that you have cut off in step 1 and attached both ends of it onto the inner side of the lantern.

Happy crafting, kiddos!

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First published in 2018 and updated in 2023

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