Parenting is hard, but listening to these podcasts will bring humour and wisdom into your day
Editor’s note: I had the chance to sit down with Regina Larko, a mama, a host and producer of #impact Podcast. A weekly interview series portraying inspiring game changers making a social impact with their work. Listen in at www.hashtagimpact.com She sets out to prove that video did not kill the radio star and has loads of fun while doing just that. There is a whole world of podcasts out there and she shares her favourite 10!
I fell in love with podcasts a few years back. They keep me company when I commute or when I’m on my way to my next meeting. I started appreciating these free audio shows even more after I became a mum. Trying to get my toddler to nap in the stroller is much more enjoyable when tuning into my favourite podcasts at the same time. I use them as a resource to learn when it comes to entrepreneurship and as a source of inspiration for #impact Podcast. The shows are my go-to place to stay informed and updated, relaxed and entertained. The podcast universe is vast, and it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start. Here are a few of my favourite shows when it comes to motherhood and parenting.
In this interview series, you will hear first-hand on what it takes to juggle family, life and work. #balancingact It’s comforting to hear from other busy mums that struggle just as much to balance career, work and relationships. The hosts are fun and chatty, and so are the guests.
Favourite episode: Libby Trickett’s biggest challenge was a baby who never slept.
This American Life contributor Hillary Frank created this show for parents. It covers a huge variety of topics from ticking biological clocks, parenting insights from single parents and the LGBTQ community, birth stories and relationship dynamics after becoming parents.
Favourite episode: This recent episode on parenting styles while looking back into history wowed me. #123 The Weird History of Judgy Parenting
This gorgeous production had me crying, laughing and everything in between. Pregnant Pause introduces a couple that starts discussing if they should have kids. They just wrapped up with their final eighth episode. If you want an honest and intimate look into a relationship dynamic after starting to discuss children, then this show is for you.
Favourite episode: Listen from the first episode to get the full story.
This podcast portrays families having children with special needs. Hearing these personal accounts of parents facing isolation and hurdles when raising their children made me realise even more that the love for our children unites us all. There should be much more open conversation and support for one another.
Favourite episode: Episode 21 Kai and Andrea – life with Trisomy 21
If you have a quiet child, then this show offers loads of resources and advice on how to empower your child in a world full of noise. Powerful, relatable and hands-on.
This show is presented by Cathy, an emotional and spiritual mum, and her husband Todd, a logical and practical dad. You can listen to this couple trying to figure out parenting, their relationship with each other and with their kids. I especially like the episodes when they bring guests on the show, like this one.
Favourite episode: Portraying Girls Beyond Stereotypes – A Discussion with Jodi Bondi Norgaard.
A refreshing approach to all things parenting. The co-hosts Kristen and Liz discuss everything from kids and social media, how to get your children eat better and the worst Mother’s Day gift ever. Having a kid is a game changer for your career, and in this episode below, you hear how making motherhood part of your identity at work can be useful.
Favourite episode: Work After Baby: Lauren Smith Brody on surviving with style.
In this show, you find loads of parenting tips when it comes to early childhood education and mindfulness. This interview series covers raising confident and resilient children and empowering your child trough unconditional love.
Favourite episode: How to be an awesome parent.
This one is a show you can listen to with your kids. Hearing an interview with the creators of Wow in the World on another podcast made me curious to hear more. It is an ambitious production that stimulates your child’s imagination on all things science.
I wish this show was already around when I was pregnant. It is by the producers of, I Don’t Know How She Does It, this podcast makes pregnancy and those first few weeks with a new-born even more exciting.
Featured image sourced via Pinterest, other images via respective websites.