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Getting My Body Back on Track (With a Little Help)

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Are you exercising, sleeping well and eating a healthy balanced diet but still not seeing ‘results’? From fat freezing to cellulite reduction, these non-invasive treatments by The Aesthetic Studio can help get your body back on track. One mama shows us how!

Some background: I’m a mama to two kids who rock my world. I consider myself pretty fit and regularly exercise (I do everything from F45 to Pilates, yoga and biking through Siglap!). I eat a nutritious, flexitarian diet, minimising simple carbohydrates and dairy (though I always make an exception for French cheese!), avoiding processed foods while also trying to minimise sugar (I say “try” because I have a sweet tooth!). Basically, I live for good food!

I definitely gained a few too many kilos during the Circuit Breaker last year and with working from home – I am eating more baked goods than before COVID and still drinking a little too frequently for my own liking. I was annoyed that my love handles seemed to have extended around my waist and turned into a visible muffin top. Furthermore, my bum and thighs looked lumpier and more uneven. Now seemed like the perfect time to try a few of The Aesthetic Studio’s body treatments – which, let’s be honest, may be relevant to any mama who feels that her healthy, balanced lifestyle is just not reaping the right results.

fat freezing singapore dr jonathan lee aesthetic studio

During my appointment, I met the wise Dr Jonathan Lee, who really took the time to listen to my story as he asked about my concerns and my physical goals. Dr Lee is renowned for his flawless method of combining the perfect non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures to refine, smoothen and shape your contours. He believes that by accurately treating your concerns while highlighting your best features, you can achieve the best results!

The consultation was followed by a physical mark-up to map out my areas of concern. Dr Lee put a plan together and explained how the following non-surgical body treatments can help to tackle my (apparently common) Mama body woes which naturally increase as we age!

fat freezing singapore clatuu
Clatuu Alpha for Non-surgical Targeted Fat Loss

What it does: With its patented 360-degree cooling system and multiple applicators of varying shapes and sizes, targeted areas are treated to freeze fat away.

Clatuu was recommended to tackle my love handles/muffin top, and can also be used on the inner thighs, front abdomen, underarms and chin. This was by far the most uncomfortable treatment, but also the one that bore the most results! A cold sheet of jelly paper was placed on my skin before a suction cup the size of a small brick sucked up my flank on each side for an hour (bye bye, love handles!). It was very, very cold as both of my flanks were frozen at the same time and my body honestly needed about 20 minutes to adjust to what was happening – all in the name of vanity!

When the hour was finally up, it shocked me to see my frozen flanks remain in that Clatuu cup shape. For a second I thought they would never flatten! The aesthetician reassured me that this was normal and she proceeded to massage my frozen flanks so that they did not stand out. I experienced a weeklong sensation of my sides feeling raw, slightly numb and bruised all at the same time, which meant that it was uncomfortable to sleep on my side or receive my kiddos’ hugs around my waist. Luckily that frozen feeling dissipated, but that tingling sensation lasted for a good four weeks. As they say, no pain no gain!  I ended up losing a total of 1.5cm around my waist after just one fat freezing session! Even before taking the measurements that confirmed the results, I could feel and see that it was working. If you are looking for a non-surgical alternative to liposuction, this could be an effective treatment! Dr Lee recommends 2-3 Clatuu fat freezing sessions for optimal, lasting results.

fat freezing singapore encurve

EnCurve to Break Down Fat

What it does: The heat generated by the radio-frequency in the EnCurve treatment effectively and specifically destroys fat cells in the upper layer exposed to the heat. Broken down fat is excreted from the body permanently over the course of several weeks.

If you do not have enough “pinchable fat” for Clatuu, then EnCurve is a good alternative. Both Clatuu and EnCurve kill fat cells: while Clatuu is a fat freezing treatment, EnCurve melts fat by using Radio Frequency to heat up the skin. EnCurve tackles a larger zone and is meant for circumferential reduction, while Clatuu spot treats particular areas. This was the most comfortable body treatment of the three and also one that Dr Lee himself likes to do himself if he feels bloated after a gluttonous weekend. For the duration of this 30-minute treatment, I wasn’t allowed to hold my phone or wear any metal jewellery because of the radio frequency.

I laid down on my back while the EnCurve head permeated the warm energy onto my waistline. I experienced only one EnCurve treatment so I did not notice much after. EnCurve is a gentler treatment, so you will need more frequent sessions which requires a bit of a commitment. But who doesn’t want to melt fat away while you snooze?!

fat freezing singapore velashape

VelaShape III for Fat & Cellulite Reduction

What it does: Using infra-red light and bi-polar radio-frequency coupled with a vacuum assisted massage, Velashape III effectively breaks down fat and reduces cellulite.

Dr Lee recommended VelaShape III to tackle my cellulite. Prior to the treatment, an oily lotion is generously applied prior to the areas of concern, which are then massaged, heated and rolled for 15 minutes. This feels like a warm (sometimes slightly hot!) deep tissue massage — by no means painful! After only one session, the circumference on my left thigh dropped by a whopping 3cm, while my right thigh saw a drop of 1.5cm. Because I am right handed, my right leg follows suit and is my dominant and stronger leg which I assume translates into more muscle mass (larger circumference). I assume my left leg (less dominant) has more fat and therefore saw more results. While I still see my cellulite dimples, my skin felt nicely firm and well-circulated.

fat freezing singapore

truSculpt flex to tone muscles

What it does: truSculpt flex deploys a unique method of electrical muscle stimulation to target specific muscle groups using three treatment modes, designed to simulate different workouts by replicating intensified twisting, squat and crunch actions.

My initial perception was that the truSculpt flex is a workout for lazy people (or people who despise a workout), however after 20 minutes of what felt like the most intense abdomen session – I understand that to be inaccurate! Body sculpting devices such as truSculpt flex is a recommended option for those who exercise on a regular basis but are unable to attain their “ideal” body shape. For me personally this means a more defined post-two-children-stomach, a result that my current 4 workouts per week are not yielding…

A cold, see-through plastic sheet sticks to the area you want to target (in my case: my abdomen) to which the six square nodules are strategically stuck onto. An outer plastic sheet wraps the nodules in place. The dial is turned up and for the next 20 minutes my abs experienced a turbo charged work-out that felt like a mix between jacuzzi bubbles and someone kneading out the knots inside my stomach! While it’s not painful, it’s not relaxing! The intensity of the session is manually adjustable, so you can take it up or down a notch according to what is comfortable for you. The frequency changes and there are little pockets of rest.

After only two truSculpt flex sessions, my core is feeling much stronger and the definition of my oblique muscles is starting to show. I can now also hold my plank much longer. My friend who completed six truSculpt flex sessions (supported with regular gym workouts and pilates classes) saw a decrease of 5kg in her Body Fat Mass analysis (according to her gym’s InBody Body Composition Analysis!) By far one of my favourite body treatments because I really felt the results!

fat freezing singapore aesthetic studio medical team nurses doctor

So would I do these treatments again?

Yes! These treatments should not be regarded as an alternative, but in addition to a healthy lifestyle. We all know that a good night’s sleep, minimising stress (breathing/meditation helps), a balanced and varied diet, as well as regular exercise are key to longevity, a strong body and good health. But if we can get a little help from these non-surgical aesthetic body treatments to target stubborn fat and cellulite that you just can’t seem to budge yourself – then why not?!

Quote Sassy Mama to enjoy a special trial price of $188 on one of these treatments:
– Clatuu Fat Freezing
– Encurve Fat Reduction
– TruSculpt Flex
– VelaShape Fat and Cellulite Reduction

The Aesthetic Studio Singapore Clinic & Surgery, 3 Mount Elizabeth, Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre Suite 12-08, Singapore 228510
The Aesthetic Studio at Parkway East Medical Centre, 319 Joo Chiat Place, Parkway East Medical Centre Suite 04-06, Singapore 427989

Brought to you in partnership with The Aesthetic Studio. Treatment photos are not the author. Lead image via Getty

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