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Take Good Gut Health to the Next Level with the BetterAir Probiotic Purifier from COURTS

courts has the next generation in air purifiers to improve indoor air quality for babies, children and pets
Family LifePost Category - Family LifeFamily LifeWellnessPost Category - WellnessWellness - Post Category - HealthHealth

We all know how vital air purifiers are for life in Singapore; the revolutionary new BetterAir fights bacteria naturally

Who knew?! It turns out that the same good bacteria that lives in our bodies – the stuff we seek out through everything from yoghurt to Kombucha – can also be cultivated from the environment to bring balance to indoor living.

On average, people spend about 90% of their time indoors; here in Singapore where we’re constantly inundated with stale recycled aircon air, not to mention seasonal threats like haze or even mosquito fog, air quality is a major concern. Indoor air quality can be up to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air, leading to devastating effects upon our respiratory health.

What to do? Get some BetterAir, of course!

BetterAir Biotica800 air purifier covers up to 800 square feet
The revolutionary new BetterAir Biotica800 is the world’s first probiotic air purifier

BetterAir is the world’s first probiotic air and surface purifier; it nurtures and responds to the balance between good and bad bacteria within the indoor ecosystem, releasing “Enviro-Biotics” into the air as and when needed.

By prolonging the cleanliness of indoor surfaces, BetterAir naturally improves indoor air quality as it consumes the resources available to harmful bacteria (on both hard and soft surfaces alike), such as dust mite excrement (eeew!), pollen, pet dander, and shed skin cells.

BetterAir depletes the resources that allergens, pathogens, and mould require to thrive, reducing and then eliminating them, and also preventing bad odours that normally arise from microbial contamination.

Even…well, better, BetterAir is 100% chemical free and organic, making it safe for humans (even tiny ones!) and animals alike.

The BetterAir BioLogic USB Air Purifier is perfect for cars and office cubicles
The BetterAir BioLogic USB Air Purifier is perfect for cars and office cubicles

The hero product is the Biotica800 Air Purifier ($499), which is pleasingly compact and portable, yet provides up to 800 square feet of coverage. You can also check out the BioLogic Purifier ($299), a USB-powered portable unit suited to smaller personal environments such as cars or work cubicles. There’s even a handheld spray bottle for on-the-go use.

All three products are available exclusively at COURTS stores and online. Want to see BetterAir in action? Try it out in a home setting at the COURTS Megastore in Tampines.

 Quote SassyMama and get a free cartridge refill with the purchase of a BioLogic or Biotica800! Valid until 31 May 2019 at all COURTS stores and at

Here’s to breathing just a little easier, mamas!

Brought to you in partnership with COURTS. Lead image via Getty. Indoor Air Pollution:
  • 5x – indoor air is 5x more polluted than outdoor air (Source)
  • 90% – an average person spends 90% of life indoors (Source)
  • 85% of asthmatic patients in Singapore are allergic to dust mites (Source)
  • 1% – how much worker productivity declines with corresponding increase in air pollution (Source)
Surface Contamination:
  • 2,000 – types of microbes in household air (Source)
  • 80% of infectious diseases are transmitted via touch (Source)
  • 400x more bacteria than a toilet seat – desks (Source)

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