We’re for taking the MRT across the Island, riding the monorail to Sentosa, jetting off from Changi, boating to Pulau Ubin and riding infinite escalators and elevators in our search for family fun.
We’re for high-fives, cuddles and kissing ouchies better. We’re for stories, games… and yes, a little bit of TV time is fine too.
We’re for breastfeeding AND bottle-feeding – in fact, we’re for doing what we feel is best for our families, while supporting you clever, caring mamas to choose differently for yours. We’re for medicine, but not for over-medicalising; doing our research and educating ourselves about all the options.
We’re for real food, home-cooking and yummy meals out – at hawker centres or Michelin-starred restos. We’re for pampering ourselves, date nights, getting dolled up in our highest heels and feeling fabulous. We’re for large glasses of wine and laughing about all our mama-fails with our friends… then we’re for big cups of coffee to rev us up the next morning!
We’re for finding the perfect hide-and-seek den in the smallest apartment, singing silly songs and dancing round the room – even when we’re tired – because we all know a good roll on the floor with the kiddos is life affirming. We’re definitely for counting this as a cardio workout!
We’re for “good enough” rather than “perfect”. We’re for helping, not judging, and for being truthful about motherhood – even the not-so-wonderful parts. We’re against mama guilt, comparing ourselves to others or beating ourselves up. We’re for working with what you’ve got, not what you wish you had.
We’re for fresh air, getting our hands dirty and running downhill as fast as we can – even if it means scuffed shoes or the occasional grazed knee. We’re for dragging strollers through parks, across beaches and into the jungle, sweating and laughing as we go. We’re for adventures, expeditions and family field trips to museums and art galleries. We’re AGAINST boredom… who has time to be bored, mama? We’re too busy!
And we’re for getting up early tomorrow and doing it ALL over again…!