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Adherence to the Reggio Emilia approach: Blue House International

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Find out why these parents love Blue House International!

Parents Names: Sara Mi and Kalai Pillay
Child(ren) Name: Kaveri Mi and Ilango Mi
Child(ren) Age: 8 and 6. (Kaveri attended Blue House till she turned 6)
School Campus: Turf Road, Bukit Timah

How did you first hear about Blue House International?
By chance – Blue House used to be on River Valley Road, quite close to where we live, and we were attracted to the word “different” on the banner at the front of the school.

What factors played into your decision to send your child to Blue House International?
We read about the Reggio Emilia approach – a way to learn how to learn, and it clicked with what we expected our children to experience.

Did you take a tour of the school before making your decision? What were your first impressions?
Yes. We were intrigued by 4 year olds dismantling an old PC and impressed by the fact that the school founders’ children were attending the school.

How did your child adjust to the school? Did the school take any special measures to help with the settling in process?
The first week was difficult for both our children who started nursery at the age of 2-1/2 years. Someone always found time to give individual attention to them – in the case of our daughter, it was the Founder/Director, who encouraged her to bring her favourite books to school and read them to her. After the first couple weeks, it was smooth sailing.

What in your opinion are the three greatest strengths of the school?
Adherence to the Reggio Emilia approach (this includes teachers); the physical environment in a very green area; the greater Blue House community – there is always a selection of interesting activities for the children to experience.

How does the school include parents in the community?
There are regular events like community walks and mornings with parents.  But any parent who wants to share something with the whole class was encouraged. For us, being in the class with our children probably is one of the highlights of our years of association with Blue House as the classes are just such happy places.

How does the school keep you informed about your child’s progress?
The online Reflective Journal is the key tool. But feedback is available whenever needed. There are also regular formal parent-teacher sessions in classrooms.

What is the number one thing you’d miss if you transferred your child to another school?
Our children spent four years each at Blue House. We never considered transferring them out.  Our daughter transitioned to a local school when she turned seven; it was an easy transition for her. Our son will “graduate” Blue House this summer and will start at his sister’s school next year. We miss the less structured environment of the Reggio approach, but recognize that as children grow, the teaching approach needs to evolve.

What kind of child (or family) would you say would be the best fit for this school?
Any family that wants their children to experience their early childhood in a less structured environment.

What extra-curricular activities or out of school programmes does the school offer which you have taken part in? 
The greater Blue House community includes independent teachers and artists who offer programs and classes to the children. Our children truly enjoyed the arts & science classes.

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