Woulda, coulda, shoulda…the Sassy Mama team gives you the pregnancy advice we wish we’d known when WE were pregnant!
I wish I had been more aware that while pregnancy is a temporary state, motherhood is forever! I focused so much energy on (mostly hating) pregnancy that I was quite surprised to find that motherhood wasn’t necessarily a release, but a whole new chapter of struggles and wonders. If I could go back in time I would have read more about breastfeeding and talked to someone about it in advance. This is one of the reasons I love the Stork’s Nest Group on Facebook, as there is a supportive community there to answer those burning questions when you can barely string a sentence together as a new mama! -Hester Aba
Little babies are resilient so don’t worry too much, they’ll be ok. Step back, try to relax, and enjoy the ride! -Emilie de Cannart
Don’t be scared to ask for what YOU want in the birthing room. The doctors and nurses are working for you to help you achieve a safe delivery, but it’s YOUR body and your baby. Move how and where ever you need to. Instruct your husband/birthing partner to be your Defender. During my second labour I had a horribly talkative nurse and between contractions told my husband that if he didn’t tell her to quiet down, I was going to have to do it in a much more ‘forceful’ way. Ten minutes later there was blissful silence in the room and I could focus on what I was there for! –Michaela Anchan
Definitely resist the temptation to buy every adorable little outfit you see on the racks, especially if it’s your first baby. Reality is that after sleepless nights and generally finding your way around a baby for the first time, all you need are a few tops with nappies and onesies in this heat, and you’re good to go. And babies grow so quickly, they’ll outgrow most of their newborn wardrobe before they’ve worn everything even once. Leave the fashion and hordes of clothes for a couple of years down the line — you’ll both enjoy them a lot more then. -Priyanka Elhence
I wish someone had forced me to secure help before the baby was born, whether in the form of cleaning help, meal delivery, or a full time helper. Especially if you have a toddler at home, the extra support can truly help you enjoy those special – though exhausting – first few weeks instead of just surviving them. -Jennifer Jasensky
I wished that I had known how many new mothers buy heaps of new toys, rides, accessories… and that they will be desperate to offload these barely-used (or brand new) items at a discount on Craigslist as their houses overflow with what feels like the entire 2013 Toys’R’Us catalogue. Buy used before you buy new! -Jamie Tan
I wish I hadn’t been so rigid in trying to follow instructions and what I’d read in books (though I don’t regret reading to be prepared!). For instance, I read, and was told by nurses at the hospital, that newborns feed on average every four hours. So when my baby cried two hours after feeding I didn’t consider that maybe she was just hungry. After a couple weeks I realised that “normal” differs for every baby, and we were both much happier as we finally found a feeding groove! –Kate McFarlane
There is no ‘right way’ to experience pregnancy. You will experience a multitude of emotions ranging from elation, to fear, to resentment and guilt and back again to immense gratitude at times and all of this is ok. None of that takes away from how great a mum you already are and will be once your baby is born. –Anoushka Beh
Everyone has a different opinion when it comes to newborn babies: how to give birth, how to feed baby, what baby products you can’t live without. Trust your instincts. Do what’s best for you. Do what works for you. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Little people, little problems. Big people, big problems. -Kristin Keen