Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite…. Better yet, just get rid of them! If you’ve had bed bugs in Singapore, this might be the solution you need.
If you’ve ever had a bed bugs infestation in your home, you’ll know how tricky they can be to get rid of. Often, the advice is to call in pest control, who use harsh chemicals to try to eradicate the bed bugs. But another solution is actually much simpler, safer and MUCH more cost effective: ChinChex Bed Bugs Insecticide is one of the best ways to kill bed bugs.
How Does it Work?
ChinChex Bed Bugs Insecticide is a silica dust powder designed specifically to kill bed bugs — all you need to do is dust a very light coating of the powder around bed legs and under beds. It’s even safe to use on mattresses and your bedframe! The bed bugs walk through the powder, which sticks to their bodies and dehydrates them. Once a bed bug walks through the powder it takes less than 24 hours to kill the insect, and during that time they can also transfer the powder to other bed bugs.
ChinChex is easy to use, too; they’ve even got a series of handy video tutorials on their website so you can see exactly how to apply the product for maximum effectiveness.
Is it Safe?
Aside from the ease of use, the other big drawcard is the relatively gentle nature of the ingredients. We know our readers care about the chemicals used in their homes, so you’ll be pleased to know that ChinChex’s silica gel is rated by the EPA as a Hazard Tier 3 product. This is the lowest rating, and means there is little or no concern about toxicity. ChinChex is even endorsed by an entomologist from The University of Sheffield who has spent over 15 years studying bed bugs!
You don’t need to opt for expensive treatments using harsh chemicals to eradicate bed bugs from your home. Try ChinChex Bed Bugs Insecticide and choose an easy to use, safe, scientifically-proven product.
Purchase ChinChex Bed Bugs Insecticide online here for $36 per 1L bottle.
ChinChex, 351A Upper Cross Street, 04-95 Hong Lim Complex, Singapore 051531, Email: [email protected], www.chinchex.sg