What’s the best way to navigate Singapore with two littlies in tow? A mama of two compares double strollers, slings and more
Before moving to Singapore I remember asking friends in the UK whether they thought a double stroller, a sling and stroller combo, or a buggy board was the way to go when getting around a city with a baby and a toddler. I received a flurry of responses. But upon arriving in the Little Red Dot, I was surprised to find that doing the two young children thing on this tropical island sans car is a whole other ballgame.
Mama, we’re not in Kansas anymore. In Singapore, a regular day sees temperatures hit 35°C and humidity reaching 95%. You can’t walk 10 minutes without breaking a sweat. Little feet get tired under a bright sun, and the humidity sucks your energy. Public transport in Singapore is brilliant, but there have been countless times where I’ve gone to a bus stop with my pram only to find an overpass in my way.
It’s taken me a while to learn how to do life in such a hot, humid country with two young kiddos (and I don’t think I’ve completely cracked it yet!). Different rules apply to when you’re back home, so here are my nuggets of wisdom (six months of trial and error) into how to get around this island city with two little ones in tow. (Hint: A double stroller in Singapore is almost essential if you’ve got two littlies!)
Lead image by Bugaboo via Instagram
If you have young kids, don’t have a car and live at least a 10-minute walk away from a bus stop or the MRT, invest in a double stroller for Singapore. It’s all about giving yourself options and this way, your little one can walk when they feel like it but you know you’ve got the pièce de résistance up your sleeve when you need to sit them down, strap them in and get moving. My favourite double stroller is the Mountain Buggy nano duo; I road tested a few other models before landing on this gem. It’s super slim and fits down aisles at the supermarket, can zip through stalls at the hawker centre and is easy to maneuver on and off buses and trains.
Read more on double strollers in Singapore:
Mountain Buggy nano duo
City Select LUX
Bugaboo Donkey
Having baby in a sling works well but only for a short time. Pre double stroller, I would put Marlowe in our Bugaboo and Rupert in the Ergobaby and off we went. But I found it too hot and sweaty to have Roo strapped to me for long periods of time whilst also pushing the stroller. Not to mention tiring — this little babe isn’t getting any lighter. I’ve lost count of the number of times I would turn up to playgroup with a Rupert-shaped sweat patch on my dress.
Read more: Tips for Choosing and Buying a Baby Carrier
Ah, the buggy board and pram combo. I think at the right age, the buggy board works a dream. When we first got one (a friend lent me a board which didn’t have the seat on, which was tricky to attach), Marlowe would hop off unexpectedly and refuse to go back on. This always tended to happen near a busy road. But fast forward six months and we’re laughing. I’ve forked out and bought the Bugaboo Comfort Wheeled Board (the one with the little seat on) and it’s wonderful. But I think this is down to the fact we caved in and bought a car (yippee) and it’s not my main way of getting Marlowe around. Now she walks, but sits on the board for a while when she gets tired.
Image by Bugaboo via Facebook
Our house would be filled with an urgent sense of panic every time we ordered a Grab. “Two minutes!!” my husband would shout as I’d be mid-nappy change, asking Marlowe for the third time whether she needed a wee and checking that we had our provisions for the day. “Have you got Marlowe’s booster seat?” (On more than one occasion we’ve been denied passage and left stranded because we didn’t have the adequate seat). “Where’s Roo’s changing bag?” “Have you got snacks?” (And that was only for my husband!). I believe preparing for a Grab is a fine art and sadly one that we never truly mastered.
Drumroll please…It has to be the double stroller in Singapore. If you don’t have a car or aren’t into Grab and live at least a 10-minute walk away from public transport, definitely invest in a double stroller. I promise you, you won’t look back. If you do have a car or are a Grabber by nature and don’t need to get anywhere quick, a buggy board should do the trick. And a sling and stroller combo? I feel like this option is only enjoyable if you’re not walking long distances in the heat and babe hasn’t grown to back-breaking weight.
Good luck mamas!
Image by Mountain Buggy via Facebook