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Free Downloadable: Kids Reward Coupons

Kids Rewards Coupons
Family LifePost Category - Family LifeFamily LifeChristmasPost Category - ChristmasChristmas

The greatest Christmas gift you can give your kids is your time! Download our free Kids Reward Coupons to give experiences, not things…

We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again: research has proven that giving experiences, not things leads to more lasting happiness and satisfaction. An additional benefit is that it also reduces waste. We know the holiday season can be a super busy time for mamas and dads (and for kids, too!), but if you’re strapped for Christmas gift ideas, take a moment to pause and remember that spending quality time together is one of the most wonderful gifts you can give your children. Download our FREE Kids Reward Coupons below for a fun (and FREE) gift that we know your kiddos will love!

kids reward coupons

From family game nights to one-on-one dates with Mommy or Daddy, these gifts are meant to help you find the time to be truly present with one another. Yes, there is a coupon for extra screen time (which isn’t so bad, every now and then!), but for the most part these kids reward coupons are all about quality family time.

Of course, our kids reward coupons don’t just have to be for Christmas! You can use them all year round as a reward for doing chores, completing homework assignments, or simply as a fun surprise treat. If you’re looking for presentation ideas (because we do know kiddos love unwrapping stuff), check out this cute advent calendar that one mama made. Or consider laminating and hiding the coupons around the Christmas tree and sending your kiddos on a little treasure hunt. The most important thing is that you’ll be spending quality time together. Here’s to a wonderful holiday season filled with lots of love and happy memories, mama!

Read more:
Gift Ideas for the Whole Family
Fostering Gratitude in Kids
Gingerbread House Kits

Lead image by Paige Cody on Unsplash

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