Gorgeous Singapore maternity photos in this month’s ‘The Bump’!
We think we’ve found a new favourite spot for maternity photos in Singapore! This month’s ‘The Bump‘ is Malaysian mama Tasha Nambiar, who lights up the screen with her adorable and playful photoshoot with her 3-year-old daughter, Isabella at the old Bukit Timah Railway Station courtesy of Julia Whale Photography. (How much do we love those little red wellies?!). Isabella, who became a big sister to baby Ayla this past March, might also have one of the funniest kid quotes we’ve ever come across in this series. Read on for a truly wonderful and happy interview, mama!
What was your reaction when you first found out you were pregnant?
Wow. That was unexpected!
Your funniest memory over the 9 months?
When my older daughter said to me “Mummy, I only want a baby sister. If you have a baby brother then we need to send him back. Okay?” I was very relieved when the doctor told me it was a girl.
Any great books and resources that prepared you for when your baby arrived?
The first time around I read Gina Ford’s The Contented Little Baby Book. First time mamas will soon realise every baby is different. No book could ever prepare one for motherhood.
I would, however, recommend I’m a New Big Sister (Now I’m Growing!) – Little Steps for Big Kids! to help prepare an older sibling for a new arrival (there’s also a New Big Brother version).
I am also very lucky to have many friends who are exceptional mothers. They have given me some valuable tips and reality checks along the way.
What do you think every woman should know before getting pregnant?
Life as you know it will never be the same. Sometimes it gets better, sometimes more challenges get thrown your way. You just have to take it all in and thank your lucky stars that you have been given an opportunity to be someone’s mama.
What was the easiest trimester and which one proved most difficult?
Easiest was the second trimester. I felt energetic and excited about expanding our family. We traveled with Isabella and enjoyed the time with had with her before Ayla came along.
Week 37 and 38 were really tough as I was starting to feel like a beached whale. I was also doing everything I could to induce labour naturally but Ayla was way too comfortable to get the hint.
Did you follow a fitness programme while you were pregnant?
None in particular. My previous pregnancy was high risk so I rested as much as I could this time around. By the second trimester I walked a lot at lunchtime and swam on weekends.
Any fashion tips and tricks for maternity dressing?
I bought a few nice maternity dresses that I could also use to nurse in. Mostly I also bought clothes a size up and accessorised.
Did you have any weird and wonderful cravings?
I once ate a whole bag of dried spicy cuttlefish my boss brought back from Hoi An at 10am. Needless to say my colleagues stayed away from me the rest of the day and I was exceedingly productive.
What did you struggle with most being pregnant?
Keeping up with a sassy and rambunctious 3-year-old. Patience is a virtue indeed. And if I had to be honest, staying away from a strong G&T on a Friday evening after work.
Name a mama you find inspiring and why?
I struggle to name any mama I don’t find inspiring. Every mama I know has had her share of struggles, however each and every one ultimately perseveres for their families. I always think about how difficult life was for my grandmothers. They had children during the war when food was scarce and life was more challenging than anything I have faced. I honour them by making sure I am the best mama I can be.
What are your thoughts about finding out the sex in advance?
The gender of the baby did not matter as I prayed for a healthy happy baby each time.
What kind of birth did you have? (hospital, home, epidural, c-section, with a doula, etc.)?
I had a C-section. I hoped very much that I could have tried a VBAC however Ayla was truly content staying in. The C-section was a lot smoother second time around, though. I even got to watch Home Alone in the pre-op theatre! The first C-section I was under general anaesthesia however this time I was able to see the baby the moment she came out. It was truly special.
Who was your OBGYN, and where did you give birth? How was your birth experience?
Dr Kelly Loi. She was patient and took the time to hear out my concerns about a second C-section.
What helped you get your groove back after being pregnant?
Besides chocolate, my confinement nanny. It made a world of difference to my recovery and sanity for the first month. I think it’s important for mamas to make time for themselves whether it’s grabbing a coffee or getting your nails done. You’ll be happier once you have some time for yourself and the baby will pick up on this! Happy Mama, Happy Baby!
I also have amazing friends who ensured that I was well fed on my odd lunch outings.
Do you have any mama-friendly favourite places (restaurants, parks, etc.) to hang out with your baby? Why?
Paragon Shopping Centre as it has decent nursing rooms and changing tables. The 5th floor in particular has everything you need for baby and kids.
We’ve also found Go Go Bambini a good place to go when Isabella needs to burn off some energy and we have Ayla in tow.
Any local businesses (or websites) that made your pregnancy journey easier?
Sassy Mama of course, along with the app My Pregnancy & Baby Today.
What are your hopes and dreams for your baby?
Happiness, health and patience.
Thanks Tasha! And thank you so much to Julia Whale Photography for these stunning snaps! If you’re a mama or photographer who’d like to share some beautiful maternity photos in ‘The Bump’, let us know!